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Thursday, 4 June 2020

Stealth Wealth In Our Troubled Times

I seriously hope, there are a few of you here, with some fading hope about the chance to make a few bucks out of thin air. Right? Anyone left??

Now just don't expect me to blurt anything out openly on the site, you'll have to email me privately if you 'work it all out.'

I have a little list of readers here who have some interest, but if it ever occurs to you to update from time to time don't wait to be asked many many times; just go ahead and ask. You never know. You never just know when it is exactly the right time Morgiana...

'Out of thin air,' means for no money, in case you were wondering, but as with all of these kinds of things, it is just like the fairy tale says: 'in exchange for your soul,' of course, as if you didn't know.
Stealth wealth symbolism!

Now. To get on with our previous train of discussion - Arlecchina falls to Earth, if you recall, from some place in the Heavens she has been kicked out of for being a 'mocker' of the gods. And she has no money, no ID, no friends. Not even any decent clothes in fact, because they don't wear an awful lot 'up there,' in any case.

So she gets this seamstress position with a wealthy nun in an apartment in Venice (oh, didn't you know? Nuns were wealthy, and lived in private apartments, and wore extremely expensive and glamorous attire, due to the Venetian sumptuary laws). And, using the discarded off-cuts from her mistress's dresses, Arlecchina fashions the famous and now-legendary Harlequin costume.

Next she diverts an orchestra (save for but single one cellist, whom she takes along with her) from the establishment where they had been booked for the evening's affair at the house of some aristocrat, and arrived at the entrance, claiming to be the orchestra leader, and possessing a magical invisible group of players in her velveteen bag.
Just a little, we only want just a little...

She says she simply requires a closed adjoining room to the main function area, the door to which must be locked by her on the inside, and she picks out the wine servery vestibule - which does have a locking door to it - and also has numerous wine glasses arrayed there and jugs of clean, cold water.

So the master of wine (the steward...), let's her in there, and he stays in there with her, along with his serving assistant, as she locks the door, and takes out her sewing contraption from the velveteen bag, which sewing machine has a little foot-pedal fly-wheel arrangement. And she gives instructions to the steward as to how to operate the pedal to get the fly-wheel to spin around in relatively regular, if not precisely constant motion.

She arranges some glasses out on a table and fills these with varying levels of water, and also takes glasses of differing size, and puts them together in a length-wise arrangement, getting the assistant to press his oil-lubricated thumb at the end glass's stem base, holding the whole thing up against the fly-wheel the final glass mouth being held firmly with gum Arabic. And hands a quickly scribbled out piece of music to the sole cello player.

So every great classical composer of the centuries afterwards knows this story and they even know the basic tune she played, because, as they would have done, the noblemen and women in the salon, possessed a great deal of musical knowledge and the whole incident became somewhat of a cause celebre among the members of that particular little segment of Venetian society of the time in question.

However, the long and short of it is, that Arlecchina became quite wealthy, and lived a long time at the apartments of the particular 'wealthy nun' who had befriended her, and when the nun proceeded to a relatively advanced age, she died.

Surely Allah Most Merciful has given her her righteous reward in the Gardens of Paradise.

And Here Endeth the Lesson for this Evening.

Monday, 1 June 2020

The Secret Of Waterboarding

By now all those who have read all the way through the tiny small little thing that is still available on the free format site - here:

...will have already noticed that there are a number of 'dual-use' technologies referred to in there.

One of them is the graduated-density gel set that for currently still-classified uses such as ultra high-performance head-gear, is used to replace old school transducers (bio-potential electrodes) stuck onto people's heads. Well you can certainly use the same set-up to extract completely accurate information from out of anyone's head! 
Because, we're celebrating

They're not going to tell you what they're really doing if you're an enemy combatant - and so they will place heavy covering over your eyes and maybe even convince you that it is all about 'the torture...' You know, that they are 'torturing' you to get you to 'talk.'


When I say 'still-classified' I mean Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory made this 'aerogel headgear' or performance helmet, really, way back a long time ago and sure, most of the academic papers were quickly 'taken away.' But it was published, so it's only slightly classified. I mean maybe if I say which vehicles these items are used in then maybe, that would be going too far - but I haven't done that have I. Because if I did do that then those countries which buy the F-35 would want all the add-on's, right? Which they are not allowed to even know exist, because for one thing, they would quickly wake up that their versions were 'under-spec'd.'

Everyone all clear about the operas then, as well?

Which one did you like best?

And the big question - if Harlequin, Arlecchina (it's ArlecchinA, okay, not 'o' as everyone thinks), same way as the idiots who think they are Wiccans, say 'Wicca;' but well of course it's not that, is it? It's Wicce, pronounced Vixxie. Or Wixxie, the English mid-landers say 'W')
The Duchy of Monte Carlo puts on a fashion
thing, don't know what you'd call it, each year in Venice,
though not this year, as far as I know.


...if Arlecchina ended up in a Venetian nunnery, what did she wear in there? Five thousand tiles of gold-pressed Latinum to anyone who gets it correct without Google-searching first!! 

You want an authority on that it is Wicce, I can give you one, if you like.

Next article, something on her invention of the glass harmonica - which also appears briefly in Chapter & 'The Floating Man Experiment' of the linked title, above at the top of the article.

Because you see, I think most of you are still not getting this...

What happens to your brain when you listen to classical music...? There's your clue.

Sunday, 31 May 2020


Now see, I think Tolkyn is a classic mezzo-soprano. Theoretically, and according to so-called experts that you will probably find in Universities nowadays, it is maybe only a very highly-trained and special kind of coloratura soprano who can get these changes and who realistically has the required range. But I don't think so.

For one thing, pretty much all mezzo sopranos do have the range in any case; that's why they are already 'sopranos.' And secondly, they all want to show off and to show you what they can do, if only because they often get only the secondary dramatic roles in productions.
This is Mozart's The Magic Flute

This piece is a classic dramatic mezzo-soprano song. The thing I have linked to below... It is well-known as the 'impossible song' or the alien diva song from the Bruce Willis movie 'The Fifth Element.' Sometimes it is simply known as the diva song, even in standard opera circles.

It is in fact just straight opera from out of Gaetano Donizett's Luci di Lammermoor. Which in itself, frankly, is a bit peculiar of a libretto, because it is basically Romeo & Juliet with Spanish Arabic names but set in the Scottish mountainsides. It's also about death, as many of these kinds of stories are.

The real problem with the song itself is not whether someone with the range can get the range, but how they control the volume between the vocal phrases - most people make the mistake of over-cooking it when the dramatic part comes, even if they hit the notes.

Tolkyn does not make those mistakes, or any mistakes - and if you have the ear, you can probably hear the resonant timbre at her lower notes which are typical of the mezzo soprano.
Kubrick's Magic Flute - sorry, Eyes Wide Shut, yes...

Now if you think this song has been tampered with to get it to sound so futuristic you're wrong, it is exactly as is from 1835 with the addition formally, of some cadenza work for voice and flute written in 1888.

If those of you who have been reading here diligently, want a certificate of occultism or anything else you think would be appropriate you can email me and we work something out along those lines...

You see, there is no one alive on the planet right now except me and thee, who understand the relevance of the fact that the piece was originally written for voice and glass harmonica...

Yes? Nod nod. Wink wink. Yes? We've been through this before, but you forget already...

Anyone anyone?

Just very quickly I will note that as you all will certainly know, Mozart's The Magic Flute is notorious as a Freemasonic ritual of some elevated status among occultists.

Again though, this is not to say that there are any modern day Freemasons or even that many occultists who would have the single foggiest clue as to why - they would presume things about the pillars and all of the obvious symbolism. All the fireworks start at 4:12 in.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Musetta's Waltz

So, now we are going to look at one of the great lyric sopranos. All great sopranos can handle all the different styles, but they are generally 'exploited' if I may put it that way, by the impresarios, for the style they are most favored for, by the ticket-buying public. 

This is a piece called 'Musetta's Waltz' and it is a highly erotically-charged lyric, filled with more than mere innuendo. You can learn a good deal about how to seduce people who are highly sexually charged themselves, by studying 'Musetta's Waltz.'
Bohemian interior styling of the Orientalism type

The song is set in a hypothetical cafe in Paris, in the midst of 'Bohemian' friends, and by 'Bohemian' it really is meant these are extremely wealthy people with time on their hands and who are essentially, rich but homeless in the sense that they are 'stateless citizens' following the splitting apart and destruction of various elements of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

This cafe is called the 'Cafe Momus' and Momus is a Greek god of satire and of poets - son of the Titan Goddess 'Nyx.' He is depicted as a figure lifting a mask from his face.

...Lifting ...a mask ...from his face.

Are you still with me?

Momus, although a real god, was sent away out of Olympus to the Earth, in somewhat similar, although not quite the same, way, as Harlequin. And he was sort of 'exiled' from Olympus for constantly mocking the Olympians.

Though secretly, Zeus, King of the Gods, approves of him.

'Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Have you no decency?!'
In high level Arabic literature, Ibn Arabi deals also with this theme, in his concept of 'Barzak Futuhat' - an intermediate place between death and resurrection. In standard translations this is called 'the openings revealed,' but it means what we say today: 'portals...'

Are you still with me?

Are you catching on, to anything that is ringing any bells?

Anyway - the utterly incomparable Anna Netrebko, and Musetta's Waltz; a thoroughly disgusting rude and x-rated piece of erotica if there ever was one.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Nod Nod, Wink Wink

So we're about to do a little series on high culture, okay.

Let us begin with the world's great current working sopranos. Now, not all sopranos are the same - they are different by character and personality, and this has no important significance in how one 'rates' the particular individual's voice compared to anyone else's. It's a terrible mistake to go around saying oh so-and-so is better than so-and-so someone else. Don't do it. It marks you as a problematic individual in polite company; 'high society' being, as you know, entirely not the same thing at all as polite company.
Diana Damrau - great soprano

High society is hopefully, distinctly quite impolite company! ...If all is going according to the best of plans.

I'm going to get you into places very few others are able to go.

You want a ride in that Tic-Tac, right...

Some of you... ...can go. The rest, you want to go the Somerton Mansion and mess around with the naked people.

Either way, your brain needs to be on the same complex wavelengths. You see, with the coming age of AI, they are going integrate you, your personality, your brain-waves and network structures and common pathways in there, with very advanced machines, but those machines can only compensate so far beyond which the interface falls out of its control parameters.

Now listen to me, this is very important. Let's just play the 'thought experiment' game again for a moment, and say that well suddenly, overnight, there are a bunch of these extraordinarily advanced space aliens walking around here, see. Well why are they going to waste their time with you, or me or someone else, if all they'll be doing half the rest of your remaining life, is try and convince you, against your will, of something that you don't want to believe, or force you to play the games that turn them on, instead of play your dumb fucking games that get you killed or sick and eventually buried and then whatever who-knows.

You understand? 
Hennessy private luncheon

Right now, you are as far away as Alpha Centauri, from being of all that much interest to anyone of these types of people.

Sunday comes - as in this up-coming actual next Sunday - and literally, I kid you not, half of the whole 'Evangelical Christian' movement in America expects Jesus to be coming down and taking them all away, I don't know, in space ships I guess (although prolly not Elon Musk's space ships! lol)... I kid you not and some of you will be aware of this murmuring going on. Evidently, many people have found out that it is 'Pentecost,' the time when tongues of flame descended on the heads of disciples. Now this happens every year, as a date of commemoration but, the internet being what it is, a lot of kids have 'gone viral' with the idea that well, this year. It's going to be this year. So that's a couple of days from today.

Now Monday morning is going to come and not a lot will have changed.

Which basically just leaves us and the Tic-Tacs. LOL. And the Tic-Tacs are already here. Where we're expected to go to, from here, I don't know. 

Now seriously in any event, what do people expect? There are 2 billion Muslims who theoretically also have some version of 'Jesus coming down,' (in Syria, if you go by the hadiths; it isn't specifically in the Quran), and 4 billion Christians - so, um, what is this going to mean? All is forgiven for Joe Scarborough? Because he will be needed to cover this huge huge mass of people all wanting to 'see' Jesus in person - which means the rest of us are going to miss out unless we watch from a distance through television cameras.

The logistics of all of this are ridiculous.

As for the Tic-Tacs, either they belong to some highly secret division of the US Military, or they belong to very advanced space aliens.
Hennessy Paradis advert - they are not stupid, see,
these Hennessy people.

Now I know what turns the US Military people on and why they would ever contact you - which is nothing, unless they can kill you, bag you and count you, or do experiments on you, or else send you away as fodder somewhere.

As for the advanced space aliens, well even you know what turns them on.

...Here's the problem for your standard common-or-garden Christian - they never seem to remember the times Jesus had these dancing girls and massage women and all of that hanging around.

So let's get back to the singers.

Here's a short-list of some important ones: Diana Damrau, Anna Netrebko, Tolkyn Zabirova.

I compiled that list because they are all different, but they're all brilliant too.

And I do hope there are at least a few of you reading here saying to yourselves 'oh John, you're being very Satanic yourself here, very Luciferian, denying that Jesus is coming back, probably even denying there ever was a Jesus...' No, I didn't say any of that! You're inferring it.

Now I can tell you something though, and you're either gonna like it, or you're not going to like it at all.

Unless you upgrade your mind a lot - which is not to say that it isn't already pretty decent - but even I have to, you know, keep up to speed and train it to be able to see what the hell is going on.

I can't afford to be doing drugs and then suddenly assume, oh it'll be fine, I'll catch the next big investment market wave, because you know, I'm entitled. I won't miss anything. Drugged up an' all. Not.

And neither can you.

You get this next bit right and well... Just get it right.

Diana Damrau is a coloratura soprano. Means she can do fireworks.

Here she is. Study. Study well. And because I know you're a bunch of lazy bastards, the sections to go directly to and 'see' are from 40 secs to 1:20.