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Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Adjusting Concepts Of War-Profiteering

'War profiteering' is meant to be illegal, well I think it is illegal.

The great movie classic 'The Third Man' revolves around a 'war profiteering' plot. Harry Lime's means to make vast sums of money was that he stole penicillin from hospitals, diluted it and sold it on the open market.

But this is a lesson in strategic economics, frankly.
What rich people have done with their excess...
This is the Lisabel one-off art Lamborghini

While everyone is rushing around - including the famous 'they,' you know, those ones that are 'in control,' well, simply of everything - trying to 'find' the cure for the novel coronavirus, or talking about what they are going to do to solve the economic problems of the world arising from the present situation, you can afford to hang back and watch. And wait.

No one has actually established a value for anything, not in the same way that penicillin did when it was discovered and developed. There hasn't been even any 'duct tape' type innovation come out of this 'war against the virus.'

Of course if you were one of these genius active daily traders, working the screens 19 hours a day, you could have made several millions by now just over the last month - and then your problem is going to be which property you're going to lose it all on back again when you spend it on the real estate of your dreams. 

Because you see that is the tired worn and stale mindset of most of the people around you today. Whether they have money or whether they haven't got a lot, they all have absolutely zero sense of creativity. 

They actually can't 'think outside' the box.
Lisabel - Toronto artist: 'The Beginning.'

And that's why you can guarantee they will make mistake upon mistake moving forward from here.

The idea that because there have been numerous organizations undertaking modelling to do with global viral outbreaks is being linked to the thought that ergo, these groups - IE 'they' - form the conspiracy which is 'in control.'

Incorrect. The people who released the virus are actually a new factor onto the scene. The people doing the modelling have been doing the same modelling since I was a child and before that.

And you don't know who released it.

And none of the 'conspiracy thinking' commentators knows either - because they have all been making the same logical error of guilt by association but it is an association between two completely different things: one thing that 'thinks' and the other one that acts. 

Those that acted, are wa-a-a-y off the page of those who have been used to just thinking, and worming their way inside bureaucracies, and in the case of the Communist Chinese government, doing the exact same running people over with big machines or rounding them up at gun-point and so on; the same stuff they've done since forever.

No one, absolutely no one at all, has realized this dog ain't got the same leg action here.

Who they take down next, and then next after that will have your heads spinning.

And if you knew now - well, you won't need to be Peteybear sitting 19 hours a day at a screen...  

Monday, 13 April 2020


There are quite a large number of people who think that 'they' - the worldwide Illuminati conspiracy - is 'in control.' And they are running a game on 'us.'

Who has the grip-handle has 'control.' Whoever really started this has control. Because they know what they did and also why. The medical fraternity has focused exclusively on what they see quickly down the microscope here, not on the actual designer effects of this virus.
Cigar lounge on the Silversea Ocean Liner.
I like cigars. Good ones, anyway.

Oh sure, Bill Gates has been deeply involved in all of the 'modeling' for pandemics that the UN and a whole lot of other lunatics have been thinking about for, oh, god, what fifty years now? More?

They talked about it, I remember when I first went to a huge - but relatively 'private' pageant, it was called a pageant, but it was exactly like that silly Alex Jones Bohemian Grove thing. Bohemian Grove is neither 'it' nor was it all started there; it's just another one of many such.

'Further Future' is one of the real biggies for the rich people. You've never heard about it though, have you?

Eric Schmidt has, he goes there. And believe me there are two entirely separate venues with two totally different kinds of things going on and different people there - although superficially it all happens in the same general location.
Eric Schmidt at 'Further Future.'

They planned stuff, they never executed it. 

But someone did.

And right now, just about right, um, now -, they will be moving onto the next thing.

Whip hand, see.

But you all still think 'they,' right? The 'they' people. 

Trouble with the 'they' people is that they are dumb, and not just any kind of dumb, particularly dumb.

Oh, who's dat...?
The guy with the money and the brains solves homelessness and kids living in the streets. He invents breakthrough technology like, well like duct tape, or velcro. 

He doesn't need a grand 'worldwide conspiracy.' What's he or she going to do with one of those? Anything goes wrong and next thing he knows he will find himself responsible for a whole bunch of people in trouble since he claimed to be 'the overlord' and 'in control' of them in the first place.

Nah. You can keep all that Eric Schmidt and Bill Gates. Good luck to you. Especially in finding your ways home from wherever ya are when the lights go all dim and funny all of a sudden, and it turns into twilight. And in the twilight brothers, and sisters, as you know, there are animals out there, and other things you cannot see. Wild things. Some of them are wild things. And then you'll find out who's really in control.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

'Linked To' Scheduled Chinese Satellite Launches

The standard statements regularly issued by US authorities from Guam and the Philippines regarding instances of often rather dramatic 'fireballs' seen in the night skies over there contain this type of phrase: 'linked to scheduled Chinese satellite launches...'

Well for one thing it will necessarily be specifically however, a failed satellite launch, which raises the question of how good their technology actually is in the first place.

Secondly, there is a question of how large these fireballs all are. What exactly are the Chinese attempting to 'launch' into orbit?

Unless these are not in any way failed launch attempts.

...And they are planned and precisely directed to produce aerial phenomena over specific places.

In the following short video clip Steve Bannon says clearly that we are at war with China now.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Why Xi Is Wrong

In November 2019, the President of Communist China, Xi Jin Ping, at a conference of the Chinese state's Committee for Ethnic Affairs, issued an edict for all 'classical religious books' to be re-written to reflect the 'Socialist Values of the Communist Party of China.'

Now the thing is this - even Steve Bannon, the strident supporter of the new Right in the USA, and even after 9/11 and a series of wars in the Middle East, which at least on a certain level are virtual wars of religious ideology - even Bannon never wanted such a crass step to be taken as the 're-writing' of the Quran. In fact he has been at pains, to state categorically that all religious faiths and practices are free to exist in all advanced Western democracies.
The BBC recently suggested the Turkish people
were using their traditional
'Turkish Kolonya' to kill the coronavirus. 

It is necessary and vital for informed debate to have authentic sources of originating fact, available to anyone who wants to critique some belief or ideology, and from which basis those who have the capability of defending their position and their beliefs and practices are then able to mount a rational defense, if that's what they wish to do. 

But in all events, human societies are formed culturally over thousands of years, not over a few decades of some lunatic dictator's reign over people. 

In today's world we have several examples of 'ignorant fanatic religions' one of which is Chinese Communism, and another of which is modern 'science...' Science was originally the idea that you questioned what you didn't actually know, and then you even continued questioning albeit perhaps less vigorously, what you maintained that you did 'know' and added any new available information, until the functional usefulness of that 'knowledge' was refined to its maximum capacity. And it was also continually tested, monitored, modified according to feedback results. 
Actual Turkish 'Rose-Amber' Kolonya;
the other pic was a Florentine line of similar items.

But now, there is a politicized form of science, whose principal characteristic is shouting down anything and anyone who wishes to question whatever particular science manifesto is being touted at any given moment. It has its own 'Allah Kalam' intellectual angle of moment, as it were. 

If science existed in a vacuum of intellectualizing, which explained the Universe, then things might not be so dramatic. But science exists among numerous other systems of' understanding' at least one of which certainly does say that time is fluid enough at 'the axis' such that human beings can see into the past as well as the future. 'The axis' is a concept that appears in the music of Jimi Hendrix, by the way, and you would indeed wonder how he got hold of such ideas at all.

The following is a very anti-'Sunni Islam' piece of poetry and music and should not be watched by good Sunni Muslims - however perhaps Emperor Xi can re-write it to be more palatable (advise you watch the whole thing, even though it starts slowly):

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

"The Wealth Of The Wicked..."

Book of Proverbs 13:22 stored up for the righteous."

'Wicked.' What is wicked?

Well for one thing it does not come from the word 'Wicca' supposedly meaning 'witch' according to the ubiquitous vendor of nonsense - Wikipedia - that I must also admit to looking up as a reference all the darn time.
According to the Bible, the 'Garden of Eden,' is on a mountain

It comes from the Latin 'vex' which is to agitate and to disturb. A kind of flag which flips around in the breeze is called a 'vexillum.'

'The rulers of the darkness of this world, make spiritual mischief in high places.' (Ephesians 6:12).

And what is the opposite of 'spiritual wickedness in high places?'

It is spiritual calmness and stability in high places.

Another nuance which goes totally missing with regard to these sorts of 'End of the World' biblical themes, is that nowhere in the Bible does it say 'Satan was an angel of God.'
And to get to that mountain, you need a Land Rover Defender

What it says in Revelation, is that he was there, with the Keruvim, and that he is called 'Satan' (the Opposer), and the Great Dragon, and the Devil, and that he was thrown down with his angels - to the Earth. 'Angels' simply means messengers. Anyone's messengers.

The Great Leviathan twists and turns in the depths of the sea, and he agitates your emotions. And he has acolytes in the material world... ...and they are wicked and practice wickedness, and by those means they accumulate wealth. Leviathan cannot go up the the high places anymore, but his acolytes, being human can and do... Until they are destroyed and cast down.

And who destroys them and what destroys them?

Partly, it is your own ability to remain calm and stable.
And there you will do fly fishing...

And then, to use your mind, and 'put forth your hands and take also of the tree of life, and eat thereof, and live forever.' 

And when you have successfully eaten of that which destroys death ('a-mrti'), you become a 'mrityunjaya' - one who cannot and does not ever die.

And when those die who have been 'cast down' all the wealth that they amassed, goes to those who cannot die.

Of course, naturally, it is very attractive to think about all those goodies you can have when you are wealthy like Soros or Gates or Xi. 

But being wise - that is to say, being a true 'wicce' - you will seek first the Kingdom of the Eternal Heaven. The calmness and stability of the Feminine Godhead (for the Hebrews), namely what Spock symbolizes with his hand: the Shekinah; or 'Fa'anzala allahu sakinatahu,' for the deeply learned esoteric Muslims, or the Adhi ParaShakti, for the yogi-wallahs - shall descend upon you, and you will live forever.

And here is a photograph designed and taken by Spock himself - Leondard Nimoy - which he entitled 'Shekinah.' And he should know, because firstly he really is from the Hebrew priestly caste, and what's more apparently, when he was a young kid, he saw it.