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Sunday, 8 March 2020

The Ethical Apocalypse

The music video posted down below is not directly related to the actual subject matter of this post - other than that it is related albeit in a very complicated way...

The music below is modern, indeed it is quite avant garde. It is a treatment by Gareth Emery of something from BT called 'Godspeed' - and really, unless you are deeply interested in music theory and even the Platonic philosophy of musical harmony at its austere extreme end, it's pointless worrying too much about it here. A lot of young(-ish) people like this kind of music, and place it into the 'trance/dance' category.

Fair enough. They know more than they know...

People in high places get very very advanced warnings about things that might affect them and a couple of years ago now, the Russian opera singer Anna Netrebko had her production people cancel a range of performances all across the West, including in New York - and then the problems with the Ukraine unfolded in obvious ways, and eventually Donald Trump was elected the President of the United States and all of the problems with the Deep State's entwined relationship with the coup plotters in the Ukraine, came out. 

So you can see, people high up know about these things long before they get into the public arena.

Netrebko - who is far and away the greatest operatic soprano we have seen in a number of decades, and Ukrainian - has had an intense last year performing in Russia mainly, where she also sings the work of extremely modern classical composers on separate programs, alongside performing the major parts in the classical schedule across the year. 

The public in the West is not seeing this stage of her career - and this is the one, generally, where the greatest sopranos have their finest dramatic and romantic vocal and performing moments.

However the kind of thing to do with undermining art and culture is not confined to Western classical music and all of the politics that goes on there. In the East, it was not that long ago that one of the truly greatest composers in the Kavvali style Amjad Sabri was murdered by terrorists. These sort of things are deliberately covered-up on-line and you will find that even the Wiki entries on the Sabri Brothers contain not only thinly-veiled insults about them, but are written is such a way as to clog up the narrative with large amounts of extraneous details, and it takes some time to even 'see' any mention that they were under constant threat from terrorists and had survived many attacks until eventually several of their musicians had been murdered.

One of the greatest singers you are ever going to encounter, Ustaad Saami, lives not only under constant threat against his life, but he will, when he dies, quite possibly have the knowledge and style of his singing die with him in a practical active living sense; music academics might be able to 'resurrect' the musical science behind his particular style of 'khayal' singing, which involves detailed musical notation of micro-notes and expanded scales.

So what does any of this have to do with anything?

After all, you can't build a house with a song, right...

The concept of an 'ethical Apocalypse' is that people really don't want to suddenly be uprooted from their lives and taken to some completely different form of living, some different lifestyle, just because the one they were living in is based on some false and flawed premise. And therefore the 'unveiling' of truth and authentic reality must happen in such a way as not to harm people's feelings.

And when you examine people's real lives and the outlooks that they all have, they don't want radical change - only so much change as would give them both a sense of self-power (over the material world) and some marginally greater wealth than they mostly all have. There's poverty of course, but you know what, even those people don't want you to change what they possess that is already theirs. That they believe is theirs, is who they are.

Super advanced ethical aliens cannot come to this planet and tell you what you don't want to hear or to know. And so they're not going to.

However you, who read here, are in a slightly different category.

Keep your eyes, on the skies.


Monday, 2 March 2020

Stranger Things Than You Know, But can know; because, for one thing - you are here.

I suppose for those ordinary ordinary ordinary souls, the poor things, they know there is some kind of conspiracy, but they just can't seem to get on the inside of it.

Is that you? I hope not.
'Ichor' is a fluid that runs through the veins of divine beings,
and it is toxic, indeed deadly, to mortal humans.

You know the biggest mistake that Christians who think they are following the Bible make, is that they know the passages about the Seraphim who sing before the Throne of God, but they seem to forget what the Apocalypse also says...

The first encounter we have, as humans reading from the reports in the compilations of 'sacred books' is that these fiery shining beings sing the following: 'Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Most High - the Earth is filled with His Glory, Hosanna in the Highest.' And this is pretty much the same as the infamous Sumerian account of the Annunaki, or some of them, at least.

There are other accounts - fundamental Greek mythology has some stories about them, but in the Christian tradition, it comes from the Book of Enoch - that introduce another species described as the 'Khalkydrai' - also bright shining, beings of fiery brass, that are in some kind of way 'serpentine...' And these associate with the primary 'Seraphim' who are the closest beings to some kind of Supreme Throne or 'Command Center of the Whole Universe.' 

Seraphim mess around with fire and burning coals a lot - and the Biblical account has them conduct ritual purification, apparently, by touching the lips of the prophet Isaiah with a live coal from the altar...! I dunno - can that be really physically true? Have you ever tried to touch your own lips with a live burning coal?? Ill-advised, I would have thought.

Okay so on to the Apocalypse.

'A new song was heard around the Throne of the Living God.'

A 'Saraph' (singular) covers their face usually because they are frighteningly good-looking, no joke. 
This is just a trance club artist with their make-up...
It's fun, it's no big deal. Nothing at all what a 'Saraph' looks like.
And I mean that.

Don't worry. They're not going to hurt you.

You know, if you watch a lot of YouTube videos on anything even close to this subject, you will always end up with the same old challenge that people always have - which is: 'prove it.' Everybody wants to say it, even if they don't actually say it.


Close your eyes. Get very drunk. Listen to the music. Think about the meaning of life. Tell me what happens to you next.

Did you get any messages?

D'you wanna buy gold yet?

Let go. Let it go; your daylight mind is not going to serve you at this time. Get very drunk. And listen. Open your mind. Search for the love.


Sunday, 1 March 2020

Lights Out In The Club

Hold on tight. 

Things are different to what they seem.

By now one of the world's giant pop acts, Katy Perry, will already be hereabouts or so, for her show on March 8 at the Melbourne Cricket Grounds - which has a seating capacity of a little over a hundred thousand. And they will get that kind of crowd there too. There will be a lot of 'I kissed a girl' and all, because the occasion is going to be the final of the international women's cricketing world cup series, and coincides with International Women's Day.
KP and ancient rock art jacket

Perry is also doing a bush-fire recovery show in Bright, Victoria, on March 11. Bright is a particularly beautiful Victoria alpine township. It receives regular heavy snow in winter and is a major skiing resort.

This is all going to be very interesting all things considered because of the coronavirus and the stopping of many major shows around the world where very large crowds gather.

KP has been a fan of ancient traditional Australian culture and its hints at alien civilizations stopping by our lonely distant planet, at last at some time in the past.

If you go by ancient rock art, these ET's showed up at corroborees where the light of the camp fires played in people's eyes, as they danced around and chanted.


Friday, 28 February 2020

Actual Cures For Current 'Situation'

One complication with this 'novel coronavirus' is the fairly lengthy asymptomatic human incubation period.

And this might imply that countries that have not as yet reported very many local cases of the infection - such as Australia - will only have been making things a whole lot worse for themselves by failing to react in time and rigorously enough.
There's actually no one in this Milan mall right now!

Last year, when a Chinese spy told the Australian authorities that he believed that Xi had installed hit squads inside Australia, the government - specifically the AFP and ASIO - reacted by instantly gainsaying him and roundly arguing against his assertion, and doing exactly nothing for more than a year.

Typically too, the brainpower of the Australian intelligence bodies is so low, that it went through the standard concepts of what 'hit squad' means: guns, knives, drugs, poisons. And dismissed the basic proposition of the Chinese defector.

It has been summer-time down here in the Southern Hemisphere, bright, hot, even hot enough for many fires to be experienced, that have been quite difficult to control. There is a very high ultra-violet ambient light level here in the daytime; and ultra-violet light kills the novel coronavirus absolutely stone deader'n hell. ...In the outdoors.
Lonely China street

Now that the seasons are moving closer to the Southern winter, and its attendant cold and rain, we will see the emergence of all kinds of flu varieties, and most certainly the novel coronavirus as well.

This time, there will be no way out. 

Any chance I'm wrong? No. None at all.

Those of you who might suppose I would have some kind of insight into how to personally, individually (for yourself) stave off this viral agent from your own biological system, or how to stop it doing tremendous damage to yourself - can email me privately here:

I won't be discussing these things openly. 

And I will know instantly if you are any kind of government employee going on a fishing trip. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Some (Modern) Cultural Education Pt II

This is certainly a meme among the kids nowadays:

I just used it to indicate something, back in November of last year.