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Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Yes! OMG!! lol

The reason you guys are so - and I do mean so-o-o-o-o - lacking in faith is because you have never met anything like what you are witnessing via this board before. Have you? Admit it.

Plato, two thousand years ago, said it like this: 'there are those who never trust in ideas, on account they have never encountered one before that really worked.' I think he meant, as opposed to a knife in your stomach, which is the way a lot of people then and now try to solve their problems they have with other people. 

lol. (Did you notice the small 'lol;' I'm trying not to go over the top here...)
What is this, really? 

I mean you are lacking in faith, aren't you?

Two or three of you have been conversing with me privately by email because they have noticed I have been leading people down this path of at least suggesting they check in with the sense of reality they all have. Or have had up till now.

Thing is, I do mean to take people down a path looking over metaphysical concepts of what a human being really is, and what a more advanced being might tend to look like or to behave like. As humans we have to accept we are 'things' which exist inside a process of growth and then decline and death. The sense of 'faith' that you can have, will tend to view things from a frame of reference delimited by your apparent lifespan.

And, we are restricted on the whole by our memory banks that contain only what the evidence of our plain senses conveys to those memory banks.

This being the obvious and clear-cut evidential case, we must throw out all the narratives that are constituted by widespread religious beliefs because they simply - none of them - bear out in any way with our own personal experiences, do they? 

You have never ever encountered some being dropping down from out of the sky and staying around long enough for you to take selfies with it.


Or bringing you any kind of truly important message then, as in, after it was perfectly obvious (IE not conjectural in any way) this was no ordinary being talking to you.

I mean what makes us so different, in these times, that we don't get to see such things ourselves -, while so much of the whole entire world's society and social, moral, ethical, judicial systems are based around what can only be truthfully described as fairy tales told of the distant past?

Unless they are not fairy tales and you stand prepared to meet the unconscionably preternatural in your own life right now.

Consider all the necessary changes such experiences would - were you to have them - bring in your life and to the way you approached everything.

Let me suggest at once though, that you do indeed jettison as soon as possible, what you have presumed are the moral and ethical teachings of these fairy tales, such as they are having been conveyed down to us in quite poorly proven formats. 

Let me challenge you with this thought: you know the movie I carry on about here quite often - EWS... Well let me suggest that this movie was Kubrick foreshadowing his own imminent decease; it wasn't as if he had no realization of terminal illness - so this is not 'prophecy.' But what it is displays partly - since he never ended the movie himself and I dispute he would have ended it the way Pollack did - his concept of an 'otherworldly place;' or better yet, the otherworldly place.

Now if such places exist, and fine minds like Kubrick's have penetrated in to see them... ...let us attempt to go there ourselves, and prepare to shortly.

Now, don't say you don't remember now! Go check the date... Then come back... Check when coronavirus hit... Watch movie... Eat popcorn. Stop worrying. I will tell you so-o-o-o much more and if you're smart, you will gain. And you will live.

The right video clip is here, but it is often blocked:

If you want to see the real video clip, cut and paste the above link into your browser. The below clip is just the audio.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

They Say...

...that ordinary, normally-sane, intelligent people, when they are confronted with a severe problem, one that appears not to be able to be resolvable by them, and which will have to run it's course firstly of magnification, and then only very eventual decline - start to see paranormal causes behind the events of their lives.
We contend against the princes of the powers of the air...

In recent times of course, we have all seen the rise of 'conspiracy theories' but this has been probably the result of ordinary people not feeling in control of their own lives and unable to thrive inside the obtaining economies.

'Conspiracy theory' is, in any event, a term used by those who occupy the levels that stand in some kind of domination, or superiority over the rest of the populace. People who actually hold such views (IE conspiracy theories) do not say they are mere theories.

So what happens now? Now that the insidiously spreading novel coronavirus also enters the rich communities - the gated communities - of say, Los Angeles?

What happens when the first major celebrity contracts the illness?

Or some high level government official.

Doctors already have.

...Moving on to one of my favorite subjects - Stanley Kubrick - you know, regardless of how much anyone else may think the 'experts' all know about stuff, it's quite remarkable to me personally that no one ever, so far, has drawn lines between the works of Nicolas Roeg and Kubrick's last flick.

We may start to see it though, given that Roeg created the 'red mask' character for the film 'The Masque of the Red Death.' And was the director of the major erotica hit with Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland 'Don't Look Back.'

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Venice Authorities Cancel Carnival 2020

Veneto's regional governor Luca Zaia today cancelled the Carnival due to fears over the spread of the novel coronavirus.

As of the minute, there are at least 133 infected persons in Italy officially confirmed.

Who knew, right?

Just sayin'.

; )

I notice nobody here has read either 'Russian Propaganda Spy Story' which actually has an entire section in there to do with the active spreading of viral agents by Chinese spies, or 'Q Disclosure - Rainbow Bombs,' even though, as per the information in the latter, this week the US military confirmed it had just run a drill to do with a low-level nuclear explosion in Europe...

Tut tut.


Saturday, 22 February 2020

The Clients With Big Money

Okay so I'd better warn you about things to come...

Perhaps not.

...Ahem. Moving along now though, my friend the 'lady-of-leisure' Demi 'X' is still in Venice eating chocolate cake in the veranda area outside my grandfather's Florian cafe (which is called 'Caffe Florian' there). It was his for a short time before WWII although it technically is owned by the cousins whose surname means something like 'three flower petals.' Not allowed to say their names...
Venice people messing around outside the Florian -
no, inside the Florian.

'Technically' because it's not actually theirs as such in the first place - belongs to a secretive Venetian family whose name is even more problematic to mention.

You remember how I told y'all about how the Venetian Republic signed itself out of existence? Well see, students of history will know that at that time (1796) Napoleon was in full swing smashing his way all over Europe until he pursued the Austro-Russian alliance one step too far...

The UK people pretend they 'defeated' Napoleon at Waterloo. He lost in Russia.

Beforehand however, the Republic of Venice was taken into the Austrian Empire upon the abdication of the last Doge of Venice, Manin - and this was supposedly part of a secret pact between France and Austria; Venice already being seen by all sides as something of a non-existent naval power at that stage with only a handful of militarily armed ship compared to its past pre-eminence as a naval power.

I mean I'm not really even personally sure to what purpose I would put an armed ship, or sophisticated armed aircraft or whatever today - even were such things to readily fall into one's hands!! Would you? Do we need such things anymore? 
Can you play 'two armies in the mist' in Venice?
I dunno. Can you?

This week I had a few friends in the lawyering world come to me and ask if I knew any businesses into which three foreigners might invest in order to attain their high level business migration visa? Those expensive types of visas.

Well I guess I'll have to go take a look in 'the Golden Book' to see if we have anything lying around at the moment.

One million dollars each. That's three million all up.

So. Napoleon, eh. Clever guy. Dead, though.

Monday, 17 February 2020

ibn Zakariya al-Razi

Right now, today, tonight, this evening, tomorrow morning and for the next however long, there is a small team of researchers wandering around Venice, looking at archive material in private libraries and state libraries there, to do with plagues and what we now call 'epidemics' which occurred twelve hundred years ago, hypothesized at the time as having come from China. And the researchers are meant to be looking at diaries and other documents describing how the rulers and the citizens back then, handled the various situations.

As you know, the Venetians developed the mask called the 'medico della peste negra' - the mask of the doctor of the Black Plague!

One of the great scientific minds and thinkers of the medieval era, often regarded among the true fathers of modern medicine - Muhammad Zakariya ibn al-Razi - and discoverer of sulphuric acid and half a dozen other chemical compounds, is among the key writers of these 'plague texts' now being sought and looked at and researched.

A great many things were 'discovered' and/or developed in Venice during its times of unsurpassed wealth and prosperity, from which phase it 'signed itself out of existence' in one single night when Napoleon conquered Europe.

Venice had both state assassins, as well as wine glass orchestras - the latter of which's existence is attributed, by folklore, to the supernal, preternatural being - the Arlecchina...

In Islamic culture, two angels from heaven - Harut and Marut - descended down to Earth upon the orders of Allah, and gave magical instructions to Mankind, consisting of medical cures, drugs, musical instruments, as well as advanced cosmetic arts; these instructions were given 'as a test' (in Islam it's never explained why there are these 'tests' or what their purpose might really be since Allah already knows everything and presumably He does not need to test anything for Himself...).


; ))