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Tuesday 9 July 2019

Before Eyes Wide Shut, There Was...

...There was the hard Right Winger (lol) Clint Eastwood's 'Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil.'

And well before today's 'LGBTQ+'s' hysteria - there was Grace Jones in a Bond movie, and the quirky Anne Carlisle in Slava Tsukerman's Liquid Sky.

And long long before any of those there was Virginia Woolf's Orlando.
This was about to be Wikileaks' high security archive physical vault
location in Sweden - I have knowledge on what they really had 'locked away...'
It's basically several government Intelligences' data banks of every corrupted official
and VIP around the world, and how and where and when they were bought.

I mean do we really need to go into all of those other examples as well - Marlene Dietrich, or Joel Grey in Cabaret? 

A reader here just raised the interesting question as to whether Stanley Kubrick was giving out some kind of warning with his much-mulled-over 'Eyes Wide Shut.' 

So there are high society secret sex parties. So? So they are secret and people try to keep their identities secret and revealing them could be deadly for the person who reveals those identities. Even - so? Corrupt deals are done via such secret circles. Okay so somehow anyone cares now, do they? That is, apparently then, these secret cabals are not so extended into every facet of officialdom that maybe, maybe, some cops and courts 'might' act against some of the corruption, if it were to be found out. 


I don't believe that.

No. That's not what I believe. If you're 'in' you can and you will get away with anything and everything... long as it has been sanctioned by the highest 'lords.'
'The Lady Chablis' - out front of the cast of 'Midnight In The Garden Of...'

No need for warnings there. The secret elites are still in power and in absolute control of all worldly affairs. They are at the top and they will suppress and oppress any eccentric officer and/or underling who has the temerity to try and go against them.

It might be that Kubrick was just enshrining a statement of fact in his body of work.

It might surprise some that for many years there have been learned reviewers who always assumed Ian Fleming's 'Le Chiffre' was based on the London occultist Aleister Crowley, whom he knew or knew of through the UK Intelligence Services that they both worked for during WWII.

Less talked about though, is the possibility that the 'Specter' organization was based on HP Lovecraft's dark and sinister occult 'underground' network that he proposed existed, whose members all worshiped some kind of sea monster a bit like a primordial, and supernatural 'octopus' entity. What they did was surreptitiously enter into some thriving organization and kill it from within, taking it over for their own maleficent ends. The members of this occult network had frog-like eyes, and strange mouths, and were hardly human at all. They wrecked everything they touched.

Sunday 7 July 2019

The Heralds Of Pain

Because of a view I have that recently there were some people monitoring these pages who possessed some malicious intent - I am disinclined to clearly spell out things of a relevant current events nature.

And that's a shame for those innocent parties.

Not to worry. I am able to chew gum and walk at the same time.
The balloon seller in 'The Third Man' -
kind of!

...So what we'll do is describe a few things not related to specific immediate matters directly. But these 'revelations' will nonetheless give you a new insight into how to apply important tools to your perception of what you are seeing in the press, as well as how to penetrate into the real meanings of ancient narratives, ancient texts.

There is evil in the world and that evil consists of a specific mindset that is both arrogant, and adamant of its own 'correctness' about whatever it is a-judging. But you see, people want things and there is nothing wrong with that, but the way in which they set about to attain those 'things' very very often is highly conditional: for example, some people want, I mean literally intend right from the outset, to cheat you, that is, to cheat others, even their partners, and 'get the absolute upper hand' in a transaction, in any 'deal' so to speak. They don't 'want' something, as much as they want it in a certain way.

And never, not one single time, do they ever see that their intentions are clearly seen from the start.

And so they get defeated. That is, sometimes they do get defeated by people far far far superior to their own intellect; and these people need not have 'defeated' them but that they forced it upon themselves by more or less challenging the superior party.

It's like the poker games where there are a bunch of big-headed big-mouths, laughing and scoffing and intent on pushing the thrill of scam movies about cheating and swindling and say something like 'Oceans 11' by one example and so on - and then some kid at the table they totally wrote off totally takes them to the cleaners. Right in front of James Packer's lawyer... I mean what an insulting type of behavior.

What happened?! They say in shock afterwards. What happened was they were fools. And fools and their money, are quickly parted.

As we - all of us - live in today's world right now, and witness geo-politics and the things that are presently going on on the world's stage, we will see the weakening of 'elite' powers. Naturally, when rats are cornered, and they see themselves 'going down,' they get desperate and bite and kick and scratch and all of that.
Keep your eyes open for the same 'signs...'

So what though? They're finished. Exhausted. Losing; and 'lost.' You just have to be smart and stay out of physical range of their 'last rites' of raging insanity and slowly they will actually die away, die off, die out. Finished. 

Now, when you look at even some of the most enlightened popular movies, for instance, what you are looking at is often-times unexplained and certainly misunderstood by the broader public.

I am going to give the example of the 'red mask' scene in EWS. Everyone thinks this character, this 'figure' and 'identity,' is some kind of powerful 'kingpin.'

He is not. His attire is one of the herald, and that is all. A herald has no power. He is a functionary. This occult image is one concerning the herald's circle. In authentic hidden events, this is a moment in which some announcement is being made privately to a restricted circle of people. In all ancient texts, the outward appearance of some 'character' is highly significant to the 'story' or at least, to the point of the story. What someone is being made to 'look like' or to appear like, is incredibly important and is almost always a coded message about what a thing really is, to those who have been given the keys to unlock those parables.

Those who have power are never seen for what they are and their uniforms are seldom understood. Now this is the precise bit about which I am prevented from writing right now, openly, and publicly. But if you really want to know, you can always email me privately. 

Friday 5 July 2019

Algerian Billionaires

What I'm hoping to do over the next few weeks and months, is irritate a few people who are peering into these pages sufficiently to have them just plain make themselves quite sick reading here!
Take a go-o-o-o-d look deeply at this picture, you shadowy person who is not welcome here...

So let's begin, shall we...

If you read the bulk of the press easily available today, and watch media facades such as the BBC, you're getting such a limited presentation of the actual events and incidents really happening in the world today, that you're being very seriously misled indeed.

Take for instance the detaining of the supertanker the 'Grace I' by the UK Navy off Gibraltar. According to the mainstream news stories this ship was potentially on its way to a Syrian refinery. The disallowed part of that whole thing being that Iran is embargoed, not Syria, albeit there are 2011 sanctions by the EU against Syria, not specifically to do with oil but transport generally. Syria is not functionally a proven participant at this stage - which makes the stopping of the supertanker curious up to a point.

Any 'Syrian' refinery is actually Russian technology, literally under armed guard and supervision of the Russian government - there is no such thing as 'Syrian' refining technology. There might be (well, certainly there is) Syrian located plant and facilities that produce refined petroleum from raw crude, but there is no such thing as crude oil refining technology and carbon cracking columns provided by Syrians.

Syria is able to buy raw crude but maybe not at the price (EG 'free?') that Iran would like to take to some external refinery. On the one hand for sure Iran is already transporting some crude to Russia via its Northern borders, land and sea (Caspian).
Some learned, well-read people will understand
the phrase 'to show someone your shin...'

Probably the most idiotic part of the story handed out to the world by the BBC and others, is that there is some need on the part of Iran to ship raw crude via sea to Syria. 

I mean Jesus Christ Almighty! Baku is one of the world's biggest and most efficient oil refining centers, and right next door is Turkey which borders Syria.  


Just so as you dimwits monitoring here can get really *-off, one of my personal friends is a guy called Ahmed Stambouli (not the artist guy), and he's an Algerian who happens to be a billionaire. 

Trust me when I say this, that when people like Stambouli get irritated, they just commission someone to go out and put a bullet through your head.

Now, that's why I am very friendly, towards him, see. I don't want to get on his wrong side.

So, what were the UK Navy actually up to?
Now what the hell flag is this boat flying?

The story is that the Americans said 'jump' to the UK - and they did.

And jump what? Something big and fat and obviously sailing to Syria. LOL

The trouble with propaganda is it has the power to turn your head into quicksand and you will sink in it and you will suffocate.

I make no secret of the fact that I use these pages as propaganda.

Many more types of poison than just Novichok and some of it is not only more surreptitious but a whole lot more far-reaching and toxic because you will not die, but you will live with the pain of the poison and the sound knowledge that you yourself opened the box you were told not to go anywhere near. Because it was poisonous.

Here's the problem with real propaganda though - it pulls you into a death spiral and you cannot get out:

the BBC interviewed someone who knew one of these Paris 'terrorists' and was himself also from Algiers - and he told the blatant lie that French people and well, just everyone, really, despises Algerians... And disregards them. To the point that it gives some basis to understand the hatred of an Algerian for Parisians so much so that his animus makes him knife someone or shoot them or run them over or blow them up.

Er. Oka-a-a-y.

As for me, I don't have that perspective of Algerians. And neither did Jim Morrison of the Doors. He used to read Albert Camus (born in Algeria). 

There are a lot of occultists particularly, as well as literature scholars, who have read the Golden Ass by Apuleius. 

I think probably Shakespeare read Apuleius.

Apuleius was an Algerian.

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Started This Silver Fund

Yeah well I'd better just mention that - somewhere else that cannot be named on account it involves some near-retirement government officers from which government I cannot say - anyway, somewhere else I started a silver fund.

It's probably the right time.
A nice French thing... Unlike Macron

Now, onto other things. That little Macron fellow is a nasty little piece of works who is downright exceedingly dangerous. ...Just leaving that out there in context of current 'world events and affairs' as presented by ye olde propaganda arm of the globalist illuminati, the BBC.

Not only is he involved in garnering some public support for stealing oil from Libya (and hence bad-mouthing the UAE which has been supporting General Hafta - and so have the US...) but he looks back on the sea-faring escapades of the secret services of France with enthusiasm. Just, you know, leaving that out there, in context of current world events.

Is he mad? Is he going to start a major war? Well if he gets close then the BBC and MI6 are going to find out pretty darn quick just exactly how co-operative the Russian secret services are with the in-power factions of the US Military elites and Intelligence panoply.

Um... He is getting close. 

It's none of our business, really. 'Don't go down that road' is about as best as I can opine it, y'all, if yer ever get the call from MI6 and their lizard-people friends inclusive of Macron. He doesn't look like 'a lizard people' cuz he has this hologram image around him all the time that disguises who and what he is.

Meanwhile, Newt (is that a lizard name?) Gingrich says Iran is ready to fall apart. It's going backwards anyway.
You write your commands in Imperial Purple...

Things are kind of not looking all that great, to be frank. Xi Jin Ping is a maleficent reactionary. Macron is every inch the psychopath modern Nero. I'm surprised we haven't heard some poetry from him yet...

And the London City crooks are in a right tizz over Boris. And they are going to wreck the place as soon as he gets confirmed.

You know, Iranian Muslims, believe the following: (narrated Abu Hurairah) that Allah, when he created himself, he first created some strong fast horses, and then caused them to run until they foamed with thick sweat, and then he created himself from the sweat.

So yeah. The world's in a great place.

By the way... Here's some Bible prophecy about aliens for you but first, some terminology: 'Nephesh' means 'ensouled.' 'Philim' means gigantic. It doesn't related to 'the Palestinians' because in the first place there were none at that time. It doesn't relate to Alexander's father Philip of Macedon. It specifically means 'gigantic' as in Goliath the PHILI-STINE.

What's the Bible prophecy?

I'll let you guess.

Make something up if you like. Everyone knows about the 'return of the Nephilim.' White House lawn. UFO's landing. That kind of thing. 

Washington Obelisk... ...(that's a ritual artifact of the Saqqara bull god's children aka the people of Tyre aka Atlantis as in - 'and the Chief of the Gods called together the council of the gods and sat among them, and pulled his PURPLE (Tyrian purple) cloak around his broad shoulders and spake thus...' And that is how Plato's account more or less ends as it happens, other than that he adds 'and in a single day and night, the whole of Atlantis was sunk beneath the swelling seas.'  

Monday 1 July 2019

And Then, Basically...

...nothing happened.

We had a week of temperatures rising in the gold markets worldwide, and then all of a sudden - nothing. The price has slipped a tiny touch, no big change really, and it is up at near the recent highs. But there is no fundamental narrative of some major change coming out from the experts anywhere. 

The Hong Kong situation has now become perilous for democracy and the rights of the Hong Kong-ese. Beijing is run by a dictatorship which is intent on subverting Hong Kong and they have already for decades been propping up Chief Executives of the corporatised form of government which runs Hong Kong. There will be no further economic miracles from China.
Balmain - I think this is from Balmain, now
owned by people in the ME 

No huge massive buyers in gold from there either - they're just plain ordinary consumers: they will swallow the heavily-promoted high volume consumer rubbish made under brand names that once actually stood for something; my God even Macallan has, if not exactly sold out, well, um, okay, sold out! 

Apart from the rebel conference at Valdai, the next big thing where the actual beat of genuine orders will be felt, is in Dubai, where honorary Australian (and full-time ruler of the U.A.E.) Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has instituted this new 'Expo 2020' project, a plan designed to have nations around the world view the U.A.E. as a key center of business and enterprise.

Sheik Mohammed has one of the most difficult roles in the world, because apart from anything else, he is a good man and everyone who actually knows his situation well enough, says so about him and his people and his country. It is extremely difficult to live in today's world and be 'a good person!'

He's had numerous attempts by foreign actors to damage his reputation as well as the smooth running of his country - so far to little avail for those miscreant outsiders.

There'll be some money made from out of Dubai and there will be some gold and silver bought by the wealthy there.

And there will continue to be some gold and silver purchased by Russia. 

Some stockpiling done by a tiny handful of what's left of the once mighty German gesellschafts - of gold and silver, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, rubidium, cobalt and titanium and some even more exotic metals and crystals.

The market is not exactly soft
Which lot is more interesting - the guys on the ground,
or the guys in the tin thingy...

One of our correspondents spoke to me this morning and he mentioned that he was looking at some business out in the U.A.E.

Don't forget Dua, Smithy. And I mean 'Dua' perfumes and fragrances including men's aftershave... Best value-for-money for a class, quality product in the world right now.

...The other 'dua' you already do - ah, in the mornings and evenings and mid-days and so on.