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Saturday, 23 March 2019

Derived Design, But Still Good Crafting

The Japanese ateliers - and it is a legitimate class of professional especially nowadays in Japan - have a long track record of outstanding craftsmanship in an array of different products.

This tradition or better put, legacy of a strong culture, pushes its way through even into industrial production - and many many Japanese firms have a respect for genuine authentic design input, ranking it at least at the same level as economic formulaic calculations.
Supra GT

The general public might not know that when it comes to very high volume car manufacturing, 'design' is tied to government rules and regulations about what kinds of cars automotive manufacturers can make, and there is no absolute freedom to draw whatever looks good, or even whatever is wind-efficient - instead, a large list of rules must be fulfilled first, before any 'shape' can be accepted for transferring to production.

This being so, many brand car companies will licence out a 'package; that effectively is the car shape itself, simply because that shape already fulfills those rule requirements and the licence is more to do with compliance 'packaging' rather than the aesthetics of the design.

What this means in practice, is that a range of car companies can appear, from time to time, to be 'stealing' ideas about shape, from other brands. That isn't really happening in most cases. In most cases, a design licence was bought, but the terms and the whole agreement will be 'commercial-in-confidence; even to the extent of confirming they had bought a licence.
Alfa 4C

This year, Toyota is bringing back its Supra, and this is clearly a design licensed from Alfa Romeo.

But the one thing that you can nearly always rely on, when it comes to Japanese crafting shops and design implementation units for high volume manufacturing, is the sheer standard of the 'build.'

It is true of bespoke shoes, high end watches, suits - and cars.

And it is a joy to know that these people exist and are keeping to high standards, even in today's world.

Monday, 18 March 2019

But Is It, Really?

Evelyn and Crabtree's Mysore Sandalwood original aftershave cologne - if you can even get it - is selling for $600 a bottle and upwards on the internet today.

Now this is something that was, if not altogether commonplace, it was commonplace as far as I was concerned and I always had a bottle or two in the cabinet. For me, frankly, it's not that I could no longer get the stuff - just that the shops in the city where I would normally buy it, all closed down as the nature of shopping in your average capital city changed over the last ten or more years.

I've never not been able to get my hands on a bottle. The story is, however, basically from every single 'expert' worldwide -, that the stuff is no longer produced because Mysore sandalwood (Santalum album) is endangered. 

Everything is endangered - or toxic and carcinogenic. That is why, the European IFRA 'LAW' says you cannot make or buy actual real Chanel No 5 anymore... I mean, you can, it's just that you can't in Europe from any main-street 'business.' You can, however, buy any number of bottles of colored fluid manufactured in laboratories in Europe - all at more or less the same prices as any authentic natural brewed, distilled, liquid. And sometimes, they have the sheer audacity to offer stuff at INCREDIBLY INCREDIBLY higher prices still!

...Takes fifteen years to get a Santalum album plant to grow to maturity. Takes fifteen minutes for the Bank of Beijing to buy up all the output from the farms in the Western Ghats (where Mysore sandalwood is grown) for the next ten years.
Yumthang Valley, in Sikkim - not even going to tell you what's
in there...

Yeah yeah... So, E & C's Mysore Sandalwood aftershave is 600 bucks, see.

Absolute waste of time 'arguing' with anyone over these kinds of things - be it whether or not you can really get a 'Class A gun licence' in Australia, or whether or not there are plastic Hublot watches worth fifty grand(!), or whether or not oak moss is an allergen or whether the Sandalwood they grow in Australia is actually Mysore sandalwood.
One, just one of, the Santalum Album plantations
in north Western Australia. Some of the companies went broke too.
But then they were quickly bought over... lol

They grow two kinds of sandalwood tree in far north Western Australia, and Australian artisans make the finest sandalwood colognes and perfumes. Fact. 

Is there a shortage...?

Don't care. The good stuff is bloody good. And I don't shop where everyone else shops so I don't care what they do in those other places (that I wouldn't go near anyway).

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Keep The Stack Of Books Tight Under Your Arm

The highest point of humanity, the peak chapter of the cycles of the human race, is this precise moment, when some person, young or old, man or woman, runs across a town square (such as it may be, for instance, in ancient Tyre or Sidon, or Alexandria when it was burning to the ground - which happened several times of course) with a small pile of books or texts under their arm, their cloak flailing in the breeze and tumult swirling around them.

If it were not for some of these incidents, I assure you we would not know Euclid as we do today, nor Al Kindi, nor several other incalculably valuable masters, that is to say, their written works.

By some remarkable co-incidence, it was this fellow Jesus Christ, who made reference to Atlantis - and I again assure you that is what he meant - when he said the following: "...for if the miracles that had been performed in you had have been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long before (their destruction)."

At the time of the 'infamous' Atlantis, it was reported by the Greeks that 'the sons of Posiedon' ruled the world, and specifically, they possessed the mighty city-state of Atlantis.

Now I'm not going to go into who are 'the sons of Poseidon,' but if you go by the impression of the person (no such word as 'person' by the way, in Arabic, which is the main reason Islam doesn't get on with Christianity - in Arabic, the closest word is like 'animated cadaver; or 'mortal but living body.' And thusly it is problematic to translate that: 'God is a cadaver, though living for a time...' from the Christian texts back into Arabic!!) -,

anyway, if you go by the person who should have known in great detail, assuming they were indeed 'God,' Atlantis was destroyed by the great council of 'gods' (Plato's description, not mine) for far less than what modern societies behavior could be accounted as having 'achieved' in 'evilness.'

Now I see I'm going to have to revisit this subject at some later point and expand on what types of beings were allowed to survive the destruction of Atlantis, according to the Greeks.

For now I want to suggest that you keep an eye open for those things you know are truly important, and practice tucking them under your arm as you run across city squares at the moments of destruction of civilization - such as it is. If you can really call it 'civilization.'

Actually I hesitated to even approach what I need to talk about, because it was with a heavy heart and much misgiving that I was about to talk about certain things claimed to be 'in short supply' but which really are not. You see, if I talk about them, there is a chance that picture will change about their pricing and so on, and I'll readily admit I have an interest in exploiting lies people tell, if I happen to know they are lies.
Chef - we burnt the steak!

I don't really go around with this sense of moral duty to 'loudly proclaim the truth in the market square...' LOL

Now d'you see what I mean? I don't wish to save the people from anything. Not all of them, anyway. But I do wish to preserve the great ideas and technologies and texts and things like that, in case of flood. Although they do say 'the fire next time.'

Are we here yet?

We're here.

Friday, 15 March 2019

'When Taken At The Flood' Meaning

'There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.'

This is a quote from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, and said by the character 'Brutus.'

Now I'm looking at this saying because of the nature of 'news' as we are getting it these days - we are not getting a rising tide, or a flood or any kind of ebb and flow, instead we are getting a 'standing wave.'
Pirate's Lane, New Orleans

In electronics particularly, since this is an area of modern human expertise and which knowledge (basically of physics) we apply to deliver us many practical functions - a standing wave will inevitably cause a change of state. A standing wave in capital creates entirely new forms of money.

And this is because 'money' is very decidedly concerned with 'fortune,' good or bad, much or little.

People are induced to expend energy and effort on account of their assessments of risk and reward - but, when there is no such requirement for astute assessment of anything, then society runs down in total amount of energy expended. The law of 'conservation of energy' is about efficiency in dynamic action, it is not about ceasing to use energy at all; when that happens things die.

Retreating from the maelstrom of current affairs, is an entirely wise thing to do, because the 'maelstrom' is nothing more than a standing wave of chaos - nothing is really happening, but it only seems that it is. None of the fundamental issues behind the problems are being resolved, and they won't be either. Andrew Weissmann, Robert Mueller, MI5/MI6, active shooters, 'live' streaming of 'death,' Brexit/the Eu experiment, all of these things, these identities associated with the events - are worthless to you.

But if governments and the media and administrative bureaucracies continually refuse to address reality, maybe it's time you did yourself acting on your own personal sense of responsibility to yourself. Brutus was trying to spread the blame and the responsibility around, yet he was party to murder. Modern governments and the media are no different. 

The actual reality, is something that, if you leave it up to governments and the media, you will only learn about six to ten years from now!

Things have already moved on from where these criminals are pretending to you, that 'it all still is at.'
Welcome. Come in.

You have to start to envisage what you think the world will be or might be like say, ten years from now - if I just spell it all out it would not have the same impact in your mind as if you thought it out yourself...

When you do this projection, than kick it back to now, and say to yourself 'this is what it is like right now.'

...So what will it really be like an actual ten years from now?

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Most Exciting Blog On The Internet

If I had have known something like this place, and the people behind it, when I was say seventeen or eighteen - I would have done cartwheels!

As you all must realize by now, we do not use 'subscriber bot programs' or indulge in any of the 'viewer boost' programs widely available, and there is zero doubt whatsoever, that the main search engines block people like us from the top-lists because we don't host advertising and we come up regularly on the blocked key word search lists. Arabic language is a no-no unless you have a site in the Middle East or have asked for a special listing, and so are certain names and phrases - Five Eyes Five Eye Five Eyes... LOL

There goes another ten levels down.
Blue cheese and milk stout...

Nonetheless we get about three to four private emails per week from readers asking for something directly, and not all of these are super-important or super-dooper serious, but a proportion are.

There are some really interesting people around the place here...

I used to have this totally unquestioned subtext to everything I did when I was a young researcher, that Pythagoras was one of the most significant people that ever lived, and that he was an example of the kind of person you need to know. 

And I was right, actually. You see, the mathematics of a great genius and engineer, even designer, exerts power and control over the material world in ways that no one else can attain to having (IE the power to use in those ways).
Yum - ribs and milk stout

Even when you look at the character in modern times known as Jesus Christ, you are looking at someone 'messing around' with material reality as it appears to us superficially in the daily common run of things - but was he really 'just' another engineer at heart? Every single metaphysical idea he espoused and sought to 'teach' about, was accompanied by a physical incident which called into question our common understanding of reality as we think we are experiencing it. 'We' are no more or no less than our own positional outlook at a given time though, our perception coming from our standpoint; and the bases of information that we are recruiting to inform our 'grasp' of just what is actually going on. And yet we 'ought to know' (because we do know it) and bear it in the forefronts of our minds, that what we see is only a fraction of what is there, the rest being covered in our own darkness, our own ignorance.

I certainly hope no one is coming here thinking that this place is NOT about making money, because it is. 

I know that were I back at the youthful age again as I described above, and fell across this site, I would know within a short span what kinds of questions to ask the people running it.

You see a glass of stout but you don't see the milk.

You see the brushed copper but you don't sense its smell when you rub your fingers across its metal surface. ...Because you don't know to rub it.

Aladdin's lamp was never made of copper, that's for sure, and not from brass either which smells even worse.