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Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Incredible Secrets Of England Few Know

You go to visit the long list of small upscale (as the Americans say; 'upmarket' for the rest of us...) bars and cocktail lounges in London Town today and sooner or later you will fall across the 'Tea Room Below Bun House.'

This is a modest-area lounge with access to the Chinese Restaurant special menu upstairs. It very very clearly makes some play of 'secrets' in the body text of its marketing materials...
Tea Room Below Bun House:
'we serve tea, only tea.' Snigger snigger a la 'Blade Runner'
- 'we do eyes, only eyes.'
 Or is that ice, 'cause it was pretty cold where he was, from memory. 

Billed ostensibly as 'just' vending tea only, other things may be available behind the counter.

For all the world both the upstairs main restaurant, as well as the underground 'tea room' have the feel of something Oriental and specifically Cantonese, Chinese.

Oh oh oh but there is so much going on here beneath the superficial eye.

...And I must suddenly slip into more of a tale of ancient days, rather than say what is going on - suffice though, to briefly indicate that MI5 would throw up if they knew...

I shall now begin recounting about the Duke of York - around the middle of the Eighteenth Century (he was the second son of George III, as you know) - who had some arrangements with a certain 'Greenwood' of the overseas trading agents of Cox and King. Cox and King established themselves in India and were a key conduit of 'financial business' between the King's Regiment and the East India Company. I won't go into details about how things were undertaken - you can probably read a decent enough account of these things on the internet with a little research. King's is today regarded as the oldest travel agents still operating in the (modern) world. 
And this is Charles GEORGE Gordon - took over
from FREDERICK Townsend Ward in the Shanghai Chinese Army

The 'Tea Room Below Bun House' has a theme of a lot of luminous green lighting combined with plush velour banquettes and those old school Shanghai wicker and rosewood chairs.

There have been many 'Eden Cafes' and 'King's Bars' all through India, East Asia, and the Far East and they all have this same theme and lighting - in particular the lighting is subdued, in fact virtually black-like-nighttime. But the food and beverages are sensational - worthy of the high aristocracy, indeed. Is that the darkness and the glowing green neon lights making me 'wink wink...'

Yes it must be.

Anyway - Townsend Ward married a Chinese aristocrat, Yang Chang-Mei.

And you don't need to know any of these things, really. Because they are of no account in today's world in which, what is it - the European Commission, and the 'globalist elite' and so on - well they run everything, don't they.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

It Never Ends

This week's announcement by the British Horse-racing Authority, that they were closing down all horse-racing venues and cancelling all horse-races until at least Wednesday because of a series of six instances of infections of the equine influenza virus at a stable in Cheshire (remember I was recently telling you all how cold it was in Cheshire where a lot of footballers have their mansions?) - is in my mind at least, a very complicated story. (The article about Cheshire is the one on January 12 this year: 'Real, Practical Value').

I suppose I have only ever but vaguely indicated what my own distant past was and how come I have access to a deep file of clandestine activities involving the Australian government in concert with Whitehall in the UK. But, it won't be totally foreign to most of you that back more than fifty years ago now, the British government conducted completely clandestine nuclear tests at Maralinga in South Australia, leaving radiation damage for hundreds of thousands of years there. At the same time as those tests were happening, Phillip Island off the Victoria coast was the site of tests of weaponized disease vectors, under the supervision of, once again, the British government and not the Australian government. You see, since before that time, and since that time, and even now, there are a lot of people at the top of government and its bureaucracy in Australia who are a little confused about the idea of 'sovereign nation...'

And there's nothing I intend to do about that issue - it's a waste of time. You're dealing with a HUGE, international network of people quite convinced in the moral perspicacity of what they are doing.
Australian lawyer and media relations expert,
Brant Dunshea

Now the head of the BHA (the main horse-racing authority there in England), is one Brant Dunshea from Australia, and he is being billed in the media right now as an 'expert in the management of outbreaks of equine influenza and other issues of animal disease security.' He is a lawyer and a media personality, in fact. Which is not to say that these may not quite necessarily be the focus of British Horse-racing, because, you're going to have people interested in suing you whichever way you turn on just about anything when it comes to big money matters. That's fair enough. And by the way, Brant Dunshea is a really top guy from every report from people knowledgeable in the Australian Horse-racing world.

...But I am telling you, and you don't need to believe me, but nevertheless I am saying it - the 'equine influenza' narrative that has closed down British Horse-racing is to do with Brexit.

The media is very widely repeating the line that 'in 2007 equine influenza stopped Australian racing for four months.' That never happened. Some stables were quarantined for a few weeks and some locations were blocked from transporting horses in or out for 72 hours. HOURS, not months. 

Equine influenza is rarely fatal to horses, and is NOT zoonotic (able to leap between various species) - the Hendra virus is deadly and is zoonotic. I'm justing adding these facts in case you see some blurring of stories between things like Hendra, and the EI virus.

Now bearing in mind that the BBC kindly related that 'a Yellow Vest PROTESTER lost a finger when a rubber pellet struck them' - when in fact an innocent female bystander lost a hand when a grenade exploded next to her; and the BBC also told us four people had lost the vision of one eye when struck by rubber pellets - when eight hundred people have been injured in the eyes and eighty people with permanent vision loss and several having actually had an eyeball removed either by the bullets or subsequent surgery... ...then I suggest you'd better listen to me and not to the general media; it'll save your life one day very soon. I said 'will' save your life, not 'might.'

Friday, 8 February 2019

Silly Silly Najib

You know, here's the point behind what I was saying recently about the acclaimed super-wealthy, and their chances of experiencing real happiness. At the heart of all stories of wealth, big business, material riches, lies not money nor even intelligence but raw power - the ability to control what a group of people are doing. And as soon as this ability starts to fracture and fray, suddenly the underlying stupidity of those involved at the top becomes exposed, and shortly afterwards the wealth is all entirely lost.
A little something from Redondo Beach and
Beverly Hills designer Bijan Pakzad

It's easy enough to note that the recent huge scandal involving the one-time Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, more or less really began when one of the corporate officers 'broke ranks' and began releasing computer data showing swathes of suspect bank transactions involving very very large sums of money. The guy himself was threatened, he was jailed in Thailand in a clear-cut act of criminal corruption by the Thai government, senior police and judiciary (uh-oh, I can't go there now!!) but the whole corrupt endeavor was so incompetently handled that it all turned into a major mess in which hardly anyone knew what their roles were to the extent that nothing planned actually worked and people meant to remain silent spoke to the media and those meant to talk, didn't!

Now at this point I have to state that not everything currently out in the press, in the media, is 'as stated.' And by that I mean to say that there is some surreptitious involvement on the part of not one, but several foreign intelligence services acting in concert, and some meddling by foreign governments acting adversely against the interests of Najib Razak - he has a point when he says charges against him are politically-motivated and involve state secrets and foreign interference; those things are perfectly true.

But for me the most salient part of the whole sad and sorry episode is that underneath everything that was 'meant to be' going on - what was going on - are clear indications of arrogance and ignorance about capital, and especially, utter insanity when it comes to techniques of money laundering. Absolute utter derelict stupidity and ignorance. These people yes, accessed power and pushed some big dollars around, but ridiculously pathetically. 

After many decades in the business of high level professional money laundering, the one thing I can tell you about governments, big businesses, and well-known names who come asunder, is that what you are told is 'big money' or 'big capital' is almost always based on no money at all when claims are made that the money is there.

You see, 1DMB (the Malaysian government enterprise that is now the corporate front-end of the whole financial scandal) was originally based on a Terengganu State capital fund which had monies owed to it in the present, and at a future time, but which it had not yet received in any legitimate liquid form other than 'promissory notes.' Now I'm going to assume that Goldman Sachs 'made' those promissory notes which derived from investment they made on behalf of Terengganu State in ordinary Wall Street term investment products, converted into so-called 'Islamic Halal' investment notes... And I think, Goldman Sachs knowing that the Muslims would be able to do nothing about it, never paid up on time or at any time.
A simply massive amount of 'luxury items' plus 30 million
dollars in cash were seized by the Malaysian authorities from
residences of the ex-Prime Minister Najib Razak

But, 'someone' proffered some idiots to the Malaysian Government to nonetheless 'capitalize' on the 'income' and 'royalties' from those initial 'notes' and brought in Prince Turki (one of the 'Prince Turki's,' at least, because there are several of them).

For me I'm seeing a trap having been laid by maybe Goldman Sachs here...

Because I need to tell all fifty of you who read here, none of whom are in 'sovereign wealth funds' nor are any of you Najib Razak or any government leader in fact and so on who naturally enough knows far far far more than a simple world class money launderer who has never been apprehended, like myself (why do fat people never ask thin people for advice by the way?) - that from what I can 'see' of the story about 1DMB, there never ever needed to have been a scandal, nor a mess, and that in fact, the 3 billion claimed by Turki to be able to result from his oil extraction businesses, was EASILY attainable.

For god's sake, how is it possible that there are that many bloody damned idiots walking around the world stage doing this crap that 1DMB did and utterly FAILING, at what was essentially a completely simple thing!

Monday, 4 February 2019

Macron - The Danger Of Rhetoric

I think there are several unforeseen 'issues' with the present era of global internet communications - firstly and probably foremost being that in every other phase in which there was a broad stock market collapse, the 'insider' distribution agenda was signaled quietly and surreptitiously as the professional short-sellers 'took their bacon,' as they say. This time around - not that we are exactly close to the collapse right now, but - everyone will be acquiring 'hacked' information and there will be no secrets as to who was there 'too quickly'/first with best information, and knowing what is being sold and where all the money is actually going.
This is a beautiful 'messenger bag.'
You have to have a message, though, to be worthy of owning such a thing...
Don't you think...

Secondly, I think politically we are at around the same kind of moment that ancient Athens saw, when the public was exhausted from the lies about state finances, and they were used to the rhetoric that politicians employed, and it became too transparent that politicians were only relying on rhetorical tricks.

I think the public in France finds Macron's rhetoric far too transparent - he is very clearly not being at all forthright about who he is working for, and he is using fairly obvious rhetorical tricks to try and convince the general public to 'feel' good about him; it's just plain not working!

The internet has succeeded in quickly spreading knowledge to the broader public, including enlightening them as a majority about high-quality analysis of politics, and this has meant politicians themselves are being caught on the back foot as far as being able to rely on tools and techniques they used in the past to get away with stuff.
There may not be that many of you who will quickly
'get' what the implication of this pic is.
Anyway, it is a pic of a foulard. As in Foulard Rouge.

But you can also see these same people are apparently incapable of adjusting quickly enough so as to be able to find and to use different techniques and skills and then hang on that way - and yet all the same they still want to cling on regardless; they will definitely not just let go and re-group and come back with better ideas. No, they are intent on using the idiotically bad ideas they have to remain. These people are going to take the public on head-on with force and with naked violence in order to grab onto absolute power - which is in any case what they are lusting for really. If they were not, they would at least try to be a little more inventive in their rhetoric: Macron actually managed to say this kind of thing - 'if it means higher pay (my brackets; 'to me'), then I am a Yellow Jacket!' This is a fairly standard fallacy of argument by association with however, completely different underlying qualifications.

Seriously, does he - did he ever - hope to get away with it?

You see either he is wildly incompetent and will therefore easily be kicked out - or he is a right little *hole and quite capable of murder to remain in power.

Now, there are those people in France who know him well enough to know which of these really does apply...

Without question this is a tragedy unfolding in front of our eyes.   

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Baba au Rhum

This dessert - which can today be bought basically in Paris from the exact same family whose ancestors invented it - is not 'babka cake infused with rum.' Although that is more or less what you are getting technically these days...

It's in fact an Ottoman Turkish thing; even an Arabic Muslim item - since originally it was made using saffron and soaked raisins and fresh grapes, and a Spanish wine known as Malaga Wine.
This is the Stohrer 'Ali Baba.'

'Rhum' is a place, not a type of alcohol; ancient 'Rhum' is the coast of Ionia, Turkey. In it's modern form, the dessert was created in Venice, where the Far East, and the near East, and pretty much everywhere else, met the West. 'Bab' means 'gate,' not 'cake.'

I mean it is still called 'Baba au Rhum' not 'Babka au Rum.' And it is indeed historically and literally the case that the person for whom the dessert was made, was a fan of the story of Ali Baba and the use of 'Baba' was quite deliberate and intentional.

Stohrer, the family company that makes the original versions in Paris today, still call the main example the 'Stohrer Ali Baba.'

Now I tell this story to tell you this other one...

Today when people talk about wealth they talk about money. The gods only understand wealth in terms of food.

And the opposite of the supernatural powers of Good, are spoken of in terms of spoiled food: 'Lord of the Flies,' 'neither cold nor hot I spit you out...'

The greatest mind today who speaks about fashion and clothing to the cognoscenti - Robert Pante says things like: 'you have to dress, not tasteful, but tasty!'

I have a copy of the highly secret movie that John Malkovich made for Remy Martin, which has been placed inside a 'time-capsule' to be opened after a hundred years - the amount of time it takes for a Louis XIII cognac to be made. I don't know anyone from the layers of the super-wealthy who are at all interested in seeing it for money (they of course want to see it for free) - but they will pay for all kinds of other things, always which they are sold on as 'urgent/critical/important.'
Same thing but from Alain Ducasse

Now here's the rub see - the great ancient Greek philosopher Parmenides said it first as far as I know: 'if you are seeking pure happiness in the highest order, the philosopher and the one who finds and comprehends Truth has it, while the individual who thinks money and power provide the greatest rewards as far as happiness goes are not just mistaken but wildly so.'

The secret movie was hacked by the exact same people who got all those emails of John Podesta and Hillary Clinton but I don't think the media is going to care about the Remy Martin cognac flick. They'll probably want RM to pay for the exposure. 

It's an absolutely great movie, by the way. 'It'll make your life better,' as food blogger Mikey Chen often says.