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Thursday, 24 January 2019

New 'Q' Pass-code is 'Sentinel.'

'Q' - this thing called 'Q,' this phenomenon that has a bunch of followers who say that 'Q' represents someone on the inside who secretively tells us all who are on the outside, about what to 'know' and what to focus on - has gone quiet recently, and 'I suggest' will be staying relatively quiet for at least three months until whatever is going to happen in Venezuela and France just happens and the cops will go running around looking for the usual suspects...
A beautiful brasserie in Paris

I mean if you really want to know know who to keep an eye on that is in the public sphere who has direct access to the real authentic 'Q' team now, and who will give out adequate factual and verifiable or verified information above and beyond what the utterly criminally insane media does - here are the names, bearing in mind that all or most will be involved in misdirection occasionally for the needs of safety and prudence:

Dr Steve Pieczenik
General Stanley McChrystal (in hindsight - being an exact science - all will be clearer...)
Me, I suppose
Daniel Ivanjisski
Bill Shine
Lee Stranahan
...and there are one or two others, mostly basic reporter/foot-soldiers

It doesn't take 'Blind Freddie' to know that right now, we are in a phase where not only has there already been severe violence and deaths in places like France and Venezuela, but that violence could start to take on a different tone and mean that anyone who talks about it beforehand, might have to answer questions afterwards. And so I will not be speculating hereabouts on that set of things that we don't know, or that we could not possibly know, or that we don't even know that we don't know. 

And believe me, if you think this pic will
stay up forever, forget it! At least, focus on his
'Ascot tie' aka 'cravat.'

Monday, 21 January 2019

They 'Know,' See...

Well, they think they do.

The reason people in power regularly fail to employ what appears to the rest of us as ordinary common sense, is because they are quite certain they have access to information we simply do not get. And that we will never get.

And you can't ever prise that notion from their heads. That is the reason why that 'friend' I told you about in the last article, failed to mention that I had warned him about the 'trajectory' of his boss and of the economy he was embedded in - even after things had happened as I suggested they probably would...
The media is showing you ONLY the one side of the story -
where it appears the 'police' have a lot of power and use a lot of force...

He's not interested in having anyone or anything challenge the supremacy of his own 'inside run' on things. He knows, you don't and whenever you ever got stuff right it was a co-incidence. 

He's not stupid... You see there's the real problem - he really is not stupid. He does have inside information - and those on that inside really are connected and they do have a bunch of power and they control a lot of stuff.

Just this last say, um, around four or five weeks, I've been noticing that quite a few people I know in the upscale products/upscale marketing world, have been stymied by what has been going on in Paris.They don't want to talk about it, and they don't quite yet know what to say about it if they are pressed. 

Macron doesn't give a hang about it. He is literally going to preside over the destruction of Paris as both a tourist destination, as well as a center of luxury fashion - shoes, shirts, suits, everything.

Macron, and all the rest of the people 'on the inside' know exactly what they think they are doing, and that they will now, as well as later, profit from the whole exercise.

Who will you be betting on? Because it is now all just a gamble.

The UK's richest man - Jim Ratcliffe - has left the country (in the case of that situation there) for good, for Monaco. He's made a judgement call already and placed his bets.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Real, Practical Value

I doubt there are all that many kids who come by here and read, although I had a few parents - a long while ago - say that this was one of the sites they let their teenagers visit... Interesting.

I try to stay away from complaining - or moaning, which a lot of us old people do (I think I can outrun Carl Lewis today, all the same, and he's supposed to be around my age...). Let's face it , there's a lot to moan about, if you've experienced a lot of good things that have left the public sphere now.

The point is, kids - don't assume things are what they are presented to you as being, and listen to us oldies who will tell you, they can be a lot different, and a lot better.
This is real Cheshire, UK - where the football millionaires have
their mansions. It's a bloody damn cold place in Winter.

One of the facets of 'fake news' is that often, it is not outright fake but twisted in such a way that it is dangerously deceptive.

This week an array of reports about London shops' Christmas sales figures came out in the media. Apart from Tesco, it seemed - well, in fact, it was the case, that the major London upscale retailers and galleries and boutiques, reported significant drops in overall sales compared to the previous Christmas.

But I will tell you these statements and figures reveal nothing about what was going on. You see, for one thing, you need to remove the words 'shop' and 'sales' and 'selling' from everything you are being told. London has considerably improved its visual appearance since I was there for any length of time - the boutiques in Mayfair and Belgravia Square and Knightstbridge, and the shops and buildings are all clean on the outside, and the pavements appear new and the streets and roads are recently laid and clean. There are not that many people who walk in those streets these days, although there are still a few people sauntering around 'window-shopping' around Christmas.

London - the economy of, and all the 'upper bracket' elites who hang around the place - is exclusively about falsified property values...

The reason women go into designer boutiques by prior arrangement and introduction only, in order to be shown a Birkin bag, is because they are the wives and 'friends' of the property owners, there to nod and wink about the last tranche of debt they stole from a bank across the theory of an ever-rising London property valuation. And all the accountants go along with the racket and so do the lawyers and especially the local politicians - so much so that up until this year, they falsified 'sales' of cards and socks and pretended the shops there actually were in business to sell anything.
This is a private lounge at the Ritz (hotel, not casino), owned
by an Emirati guy - no MI5/MI6 people allowed!

Now if you don't believe me, let me apprise you of the latest 'trend' in upscale/designer/luxury/high fashion whatever, brands: they have 'shops' at which no one buys anything, but you can hang out and do 'Instagram' about the brand...

Don't kid yourself these people are really interested in 'networking' and amassing numbers of 'followers' on their Instagram pages for some purpose of 'sales' of 'product' later on down the track. There wasn't any 'later on down the track' twenty years ago, and there isn't one now. They don't have any products. They're in the racket of engineering extractions of cash from debt. A concrete brick, is, after the support and backing from all the Freemasons in the world - more important, more valuable, more costly, and hence better security at a bank - than any other thing in the whole entire world since the Dawn of Time.

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry - for Tomorrow... Oh yes, it is coming. The stage is being set as we speak, for the Godallmightiest Crash of all time from which there can be no recovery. They have lost the mindset that was to do with genuine cash flows and sales. And they cannot manufacture, design or create anything; they have no production ability, left. They have simulacrum copying tendencies.

What did I tell you, right here, on these pages, a few years ago? I have visions of myself running through a cold dark evening across the square outside the city Research Library, a red silk-lined cloak flitting in the wind, a stack of books under my arm - to which I will now add: a USB vault stick in my pocket, and a digital wallet filled with actual currency that buys real things from genuine vendors, and an encrypted list of those vendors and where they hide.

You all don't believe me, do you? Okay then you stick your money into London property and see what happens. Or you leave it in trusts and funds and 'hedge' things that 're-invest' the pooled capital into London Real Estate... I once said to a senior funds manager of Robert Holmes a' Court, then Australia's wealthiest person - 'take all your cash out of your wallet, John, and give it to me.'
Harris Tweed - woven in a craft mill, under the roof of the
person who wove it, and who lives right there. 

He didn't. Three months later his boss was dead and apparently, from all accounts, technically bankrupt at the moment he died. He has spoken to me again, that guy, but he never remembered what I had told him. And that was because there still have been many 'chances' since then till now to survive. But that saga is finished. So now I'm telling you, in no uncertain terms, quite explicitly - get out of cash, get out of your banks (they're all tied to London property), get out of shares and bonds, get out of property trusts, and start to understand what digital crypto-currencies are. And don't pretend that you know or that your 'rational scepticism' has given you a sensible picture of the field. And don't think you know what the complete picture is, of the global digital communications infrastructure - that it is 'only' what is known to governments...

It costs around one hundred UK pounds today for a decent steak dinner in the City of London. And it costs 30,000 pounds for a lady's handbag. And you can believe that if you want, too.

I mean you can be a bloody fool if you want, but the show is over. And it ain't coming back. Not now, not soon, not ever. I understand a bomb went off tonight showering Paris with Macaroons. Did I get that word right... Not sure.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Crypto Tumbler Stuff

It was become abundantly clear, as we progressed along the path of exposing our Poker Staking Advances P2P Network based in the Gulf and originally launched from their professional 'Baloot' card game Championship on-line interest groups, that there are significant 'participants' who have a major problem they need to get around.

And that problem, of course, is that they have a goal of being anonymous and untraceable with their financial transactions except, the whole system of digital cryptocurrency is based on cyber guarantees of transaction paths and fully traceable and linked transactions! 
You gotta think these new coffee tumblers around the place
now are pretty funny!

The internet is riddled with terms and terminology like 'privacy coins,' and 'cryptocurrency tumblers/blenders/mixers,' and 'anonymous wallets' - but the reality is all of these things don't escape actual tax or money laundering laws. In the first place there is this matter called 'structuring transactions' - which is illegal; and all of the previously mentioned processes could be deemed illegal 'structuring.' 

Now I have some sympathy for those who desire to have secure yet entirely covert transactions effected on-line somehow, whilst at the same time I don't think I have any sympathy for anyone who killed someone to make money, or who stole money or things and then wants to have the proceeds escape being taxed or their actions blocked from being interdicted.

So regardless that there are numerous 'cryptocurrency tumblers' out there who offer that service, or that there are even anonymous digital wallets that you can possess and control - I personally would prefer to have a different approach: one in which you do not risk your 'anonymous' wallet just being plain seized anyway by the cops!! And one for which you don't need to rely on a suspect legal 'right' to intermingle moneys - no matter how fast or with how much 'technology' you have done it - and thereby pretend you have 'laundered' tainted money.
'Privacy coins' are now out there in the market,
but all of these things have limitations.
Actual clever, legal transactions are the only real solution.

What I just did in the situation of a couple of pretty giant 'pocket-books' that wanted to be involved in the Baloot advances cloud software platform - is that I asked them to generalize where they had gotten their money from, why they wanted to keep it secret, and what they wanted to do with the profits or the actual liquidity per se. And then send that general depiction to a particular 'Dark Web' site which would assess, at a very high level of expertise, what the legal and money-tracking vulnerabilities were, and offer a specific tailored solution in each case.

That website is called 'Dirty Money Whirlpool' and if anyone wants to use it just let me know. We'll in any case be posting regular user information about it and I think given the sizes of funds moving in there from companies coming through here and related sites, it is going to be an on-going feature of things.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

The Modern 'Business' Of 'News'

Sometimes it isn't that you - 'we' - don't already know a certain thing, it's just that we haven't confronted it clearly and succinctly, or that consciously yet, so we don't think about its consequences.

How do you suppose CNN, for example, functions? How does it make money...?

Well, their in-house accountants have worked the 'per unit' cost of the type of news 'product' they broadcast, and they consider their style of production part of their brand. They further distinguish different types of story, even down to the nature of the content, and place a kind of a 'viewer appeal' metric onto it. Thus, whatever was in their 'in-house generated' schedule of news appearances has a specific unit cost.
This hard-shell case is what they carry cash in

So then, for example, accredited news reporters produce a story, maybe it is an 'exclusive' which was subject to some kind of agreement between the subject of the story and that reporter, and these items go into a syndicated agents' 'selling sheet.' This will include items that are released through very large agencies such as AP or Reuters. Unless these are already part of the brand agenda and schedule structure, they will never appear in broadcasts and those that do get a bulk or commodity news rate fee paid to whatever large agency had specific 'royalty rights' and these kinds of rights are not genuinely 'royalties' as is meant in the Tax Act or Artists' and Writers' Code or Legislation, but merely 'agreed' royalties already standardized by habitual practice between the large agency providers and various Networks.

And then there comes along some independent reporter who covered something which was 'actual news' as such: he or she found out, for example, that the person detained in Russia under suspicion of being an active foreign spy held literally four separate legal citizen-ships. So now this is not going to be run in any of the Networks because it was not 'their' news.

But if you paid them, to shift their unit costed news blocks out of the way, to be substituted by this 'externally-costed' item, then they would run it, paid for... someone.

And there is a pecking order, an ascending premium rate structure so that the higher 'up' the news item is to be 'placed' the more it is going to cost to get it 'placed' there.
This is the 'Institute for Statecraft' at Number 2 Temple Place in London.
Russia's 'Sputnik News Agency' uncovered this place,
and they are running the pics and story now,
but we have already shown you various places that NO ONE else has ever talked about.

All current news Networks and major Broadcasters - including the BBC, for one good instance - operate this way. With the BBC, there is a government policy agenda filter on all news; so much so, in fact, that it took a recent anonymous hacker to uncover - and then finally the Parliament admitted it was so - that the government has at least one and probably many, organizations that are heavily funded to the tune of millions of pound per year, to produce 'placed' news items.

Ostensibly these previously clandestine organizations are there to provide formally guaranteed factually-based and truthful news, and so the one that was recently named in the UK Parliament, carries the title of 'The Integrity Initiative.' However, this organization is a two-way street between the seemingly privately-funded group known as 'Bellingcat' which produces completely fabricated propaganda disguised as 'independent work and internet research.' Bellingcat was responsible for all of the supportive 'stories' that seemed to underpin what was in the Christopher Steele 'dodgy dossier' which was then 'paid for' at a premium by various US political interest groups.  

So whether it is 'Hakluyt,' or 'Bellingcat,' or 'the Integrity Institute' someone ends up paying for actual items placed and run in whatever magazine, or television program, or newspaper ends up covering the items.

Sometimes, it is the taxpayer that pays, but he doesn't know that the stories are politically-spun or who gets to control the 'spin.'

The bottom-line for you, is this - whatever story you see in any mainstream outlet, has been paid for by someone who believes it is in their financial interest to have that story or narrative told to you. It is not 'news.' And it has never been 'news' maybe for at least since the time of John Major as so cloying a lie as it has now become.