I can't be sure of what type of person reads this but I've made myself a rule not to compromise on my own style and expressing what my innermost thinking is based on what experience has taught me. The fact is I known that many people carry preconceived positions on many things and worse still, there is individual brain psychology going on that manhandles whatever anyone says, not just what I might say.
Jesus Christ said this: the love of money is the root of evil; do not rely on material riches because when they fail you, what will you then do?
Money, you see, in the form of something captured, or kept, or held to you, is static. Meanwhile everything around you moves. Money, and even the value of it, while you're still holding it, can seem to evaporate into thin air because of the scale and rate of external change. If you have a real lot of it (money), do you know that if you stack it, the notes on the bottom can actually wear away over time? There are banks that I have seen in Switzerland and Germany, with special stacking machines made typically in those countries – machines that all they do is stack and re-stack notes to slow down this wearing away process.
Today, you see the mainstream media carrying on about how the IMF(!) is the reason that countries (for instance such as those countries under pressure in the Euro zone right now) can have a viable and valid currency. And that is absolute rubbish.
The only reason you can have a viable and valid currency is that people have a belief in it.
Nobody believes in the IMF except those inside its closed circle of power and who want to preserve its power and position of political influence and I would add, interference.
Consequence: money is evaporating under everybody's nose because the IMF is not imaginative enough to engage people's genuine belief which is starting to move away very fast.
So we have this set of socially common misconceptions about valuable things which includes an aversion to gambling, fast money, and fantasy.
Nonetheless, if Mrs. Georg Philipp Telemann never gambled, and her husband not have felt an obligation to pay her debts, her husband would have written far fewer baroque pieces of music for us to enjoy today. If fantasy were not so powerful, we would not be able to anticipate the sci-fi movie spectacular coming out this year John Carter of Mars, originally written by Edgar Rice Borroughs of Tarzan fame. Fantasy makes Hollywood movies! And lots of money!
Lynn Collins in the new John Carter Of Mars movie |
In the search for the real and the substantial, the usual default human position is risk-aversion and what appears to be prudence and restraint. This default position arises from a mental laziness, and a fear, and a group delusion about safety and security. Now my meaning here is that in order to attempt anything with a chance to succeed that involves risk, imagination, unique action, and daring – you have to accept that to possess the skills required and to train for them to function successfully is more elevated a thing than even is in the hands of the people in the IMF right now... So I don't really look down on what I have been calling mental laziness and the fear of failure – that fear is real and a sensible feeling. Jesus Christ, in my own view, did not come to speak to everyone and what he really was saying was directed at the human in its peak potential state. In that state, magical thinking, is both realistic and capable of affecting the external material world. But all that stuff, is not for ordinary people, but extraordinary people.
Calvin J. Bear