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So, we have been talking about the God, 'Love.'
In our modern English-language based culture we only have the word 'love' to reference when it comes to talking about what the thing even is.
But it is worse than that - as Muslims all love to tell everyone - the 'Bible has been corrupted.'
Well, it hasn't but there are issues to look at beyond what people generally tell us about what is in there.
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And why are we looking at this? |
It is indeed very possible that the version of the New Testament that is said to form the major canon of 'New Testament' works, that we are all familiar with - is not the actual original form of text that was originally composed by the very first NT writers themselves; there absolutely are several different copies of 'earliest' ancient scrolls and so on, and they were not all written in Common Greek; some are in Coptic (Egyptian) and some contain large sections written and definitely composed (which is more the point here), in Ancient High Classical Greek, or a form of that.
Language experts always say that there are levels of High Greek related to how technical the wordings are in the texts.
And by 'technical' they mean how complex are the specified defined meanings of various particular subjects.
Virtually all modern-day Christians think they know what the 'Holy Spirit' is. Because they will read in the Strong's Concordance, that the English phrase comes from the Koine 'Pneuma Hagion.'
Well, it might do but that does not mean that any of the Gospel authors meant that when they were composing the scriptures...
For one thing 'pneuma' is a feminine word form and no one in Christianity believes the 'Holy Spirit' is a female being or entity.
Since 'pneuma' is in fact the object (aka the thing itself - of the whole phrase), then it should not be anything in a feminine form.
The reality is that the phrase would have been 'Daemon Hieros;' a male form of a Supernatural Spirit, in fact so 'supernatural' (because 'Sacred/Holy') that it is Divine - a God.
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Or even this... |
So neither the word 'pneuma' (which means 'breath') nor 'hagia' (or hagion) would have been there.
'Hagios' is there because those people wanting to establish churches wanted to impress upon everyone that inside of their places - there was some kind of spiritual presence.
To the common folk (for whom the language was also a 'common' form of Greek), what was being said was that here was some place, some specific 'cordoned-off' place, that was special.
'Hagios' means such a physical 'set-apart' or cordoned-off, forbidden place.
Those common people would not have been expected to have an idea of some invisible actual being that was itself 'Holy' - 'Sacred.'
In Greek, the letter 'D' and the letters and sounds of 'TH' are interchangeable.
For you to have a far better understanding of what is going on, what is being talked about by the Gospel Writers -, for you in the English language, if we said 'Themed Sacred Individual,' then it will make much more and greater and deeper, sense.
A 'Daemon' is a Themed Person, I will not say simply 'entity' because it does not imply 'entity; it implies an actual individual person, with a unique personality, except one who is preternatural - more than human, well beyond human or mortal.
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The lights will soon come on for you. |
A person with a theme about them.
A characteristic identity - someone whose character is of a certain specific kind.
Now in the case of Love, the Demi-God known to Men, its theme is that it is the only pathway for mortal men to go up, to get to the Divine. So it is also a bridge between the Mortal and the Wholly Divine, which makes its actual nature that of a Daemon -, and not completely or even better said, not only, a God.
In seems like a non-sequitor to say 'only a God,' but in this case it is so.
And that is why, for the Classical Orphics, they taught that Aphrodite was not either a 'simple' God or a mere Titan, but something who existed even before Time itself and before the Titans and the Olympic Gods.
It is not all that completely important to go into 'well, what was existence like before the one we know now...' The answer in any case is easy to comprehend once you go up that unique pathway (you should watch this on YouTube because there the entire lyrics are available in English. They are so stunning I won't say them in here. It's in the Punjabi language. They start 'I have embraced all hardships, while staying unfazed...' And some way in 'If all my wishes were to come true...' They are about finding 'the Gem of your Soul.') Here is the direct link,
To Jhoom (Discover the Gem of My Soul)
When Abida Parveen sings the word 'deevani' two thirds of the way in, it means 'I become entranced' - a deva. Which is an actual god entity. 'Daemon' = 'Deva.' 'Va' or 'Vaksh' means 'breath.' The Greek - 'pneuma.' Which also has the sense of 'alive.' That is what you must become, alive in the Divine sense: