You know, here is one of the major problems with so-called 'science' as it is being presented widely today: of course we accept that science is based around the repeatable experiment; but what is too often over-looked, is that all events in the material realm fall somewhere along a standard deviation curve of periodicity.
That is, some things happen a lot and thus may be tested for a lot, and some things happen less frequently, and some things happen very infrequently, and some things don't occur at all.
Alien visits to this planet, should, by reference to the great distances required to be traversed (boundary limitations issue), and the incapacity for normal travel to be the means of traversing the distances, be extremely infrequent. And consequently, it will not be possible to 'test for' particular occurrences or repeat performances with any reasonable order of frequency.
When the assumption is made that therefore, a different means of travel over time and great distance is implied, it is clear the technological advances possessed by whatever 'alien' culture is doing the travelling, will be far ahead of anywhere that we are at right now. Once that assumption is made, it might be more reasonable to think then that the occurrences of alien visits is more common than it possibly would or even could be using anything like 'ordinary' travel methods.
Which leaves us with the question of 'why?'
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Do aliens eat ramen noodles? |
And here we are greeted with all of the irrational and nonsensical speculations that attend this area: on the one hand they are more technically advanced, on the other hand they are unable to attend to their own DNA 'problems' (as is regularly posited by the folklore).
Going by the evidence of inherent sociological and psychological 'stuck-ness,' human beings are quite obviously functionally terminally flawed - they cannot use the potential of their brains virtually at all beyond the iterative social/cultural functioning of almost countless ages of the same repeated cycles of birth, conflict, suffering, and death.
It's more logically able to be posited that human beings are incapable of evolution because of something perhaps terminally defective in their brain, rather than the usual Darwinian/Dawkinsian argument that we are part of some 'evolutionary' path at all. We may be capable of survival, against competitor evolutionary species or just on our own, but we cannot represent what is the peak potentiality of sentience in the Universe; not even close.
Now if aliens wanted to help us, then perhaps they might have done so already... Hasn't happened though. So the conclusion is they don't want to help us.
And a further conclusion is the 'human race' itself is not what it is usually taken by science to be - namely some monolithic or amorphous biological phenomenon of its own exactly characteristic (all the same; a species) kind.
My position is that 'human beings' too, exist upon a continuum of sophistication: some relatively primitive, albeit outwardly 'modern,' others less primitive, and others still - having exceeded the boundary conditions of the structurally-flawed and intellectually limited and primitive median range grouping. It is not logically conceivable that 'repeatable proof' and 'evidence' will be able to be passed backward to the less-sophisticated types of human, from those who possess it since they are specifically and 'only' meant to be its recipient.
No one is ever going to see this and nor will it be promoted widely across the internet or anywhere so you might as well have it:
There certainly are aliens, and they are sometimes present on the planet and they interact with a small handful of people, none of whom have ever been heard from publicly and nor will they ever be. And one thing is absolutely certain about it - these aliens will be more like the most perfect average of what superficially represents the human species; in age, in visual appearance, in every material and physical respect, because qualitatively, this is the peak of the biological category, not some bizarre theorized strange streamlined, sinusoidal 'grey' creature thing. The 'grayness' of aliens represents the mystery to the ordinary human, of what an alien, or advanced being is. It is a visualized metaphor.
The peak is the SD curve peak, not the outlier condition state.
NASA has never encountered aliens or extraterrestrials or any of their technology. There are no aliens from 'Zeta Reticuli (oh, well, there may be, but I'm not aware of any) - what there is are people who have misheard and misunderstood the phrase 'reticular neural system') when tests were being run for standard functioning processes being obtained.