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Monday 14 October 2024

The Thesmophoria

Some research departments at Oxford University may well be 'looking for intelligent life' out there in the Universe, and apparently - as Pete van Horn, one of our comment-posters here, linked to the particular Daily Mail article - might even have found it...

Or to put it more precisely, have found what they are suggesting is evidence for it.

But look, intelligent life is the organized, structural pathway activity of micro-electronics between your neurons! 

Oxford and all of these other places that claim the mantle of 'science' these days -, have only been looking for instruments, tools; or organized energetically-pulsing physical artifacts - and that is actually not the same thing at all, as 'intelligence.'

What is a 'Watcher' and what do
they do...

It might be a sign of, or it may be the trace of, someone's intelligence but it itself is not intelligence.

Now I mention all of this because as you know, we have been talking for some time about the potential for electron spin polarity being a conduit and a means and the loci of or for, the  communication of data, including across vast distances.

Inside your body, while it is alive, the molecules have living metrics indicating the organism is alive, and in addition to that, the neurons in your neural network system are cross-flowing lots of traffic which can be identified using sophisticated instruments.

How that traffic flows can theoretically determine 'intelligence,' or at least hypothetically because it would take a very advanced form of civilization to be able to come to agreed terms on the salience of said neural network traffic: certainly in terms of levels of intelligence.

You might be looking for intelligence by seeking evidence of machinery...

Our friends from above and/or beyond will not be that stupid; not that crass. They will be looking at the traffic through your neural network pathways.

They will be deciding on whether you are really intelligent or just some nascent, some emergent basic form of organically highly-structured life.

This, is why we have been suggesting techniques roughly similar to what Ammon Hillman and his students are undertaking in their case to re-create some of the Ancient Mystery Cult rites and rituals, but with his people virtually always using drugs because they think that drugs are and were the real doorway, or portal to some 'wild and amazing,' but also useful because of the apparent oracular function.

It has nothing to do with drugs.

I was actually planning on
just doing a thing about wealth today,
and saying that it doesn't take
a lot to be wealthy...
That the principle thing is the mind.
Well, it ties in today anyway with what is 
going on in here!

Well, not in the sense that the drugs - or any drugs - are the key.

The problem with 'modern' science is that it has lost the capability to stay objective because it is too heavily stilted, always led towards the professional agenda of academia. And I admire and respect Hillman for steering away from this motivation.

What today's science has become is sheer propaganda and pseudo-religioso dogma.

It's a kind of brainwashing.

People memorize cant (the word means jargon or sanctimonious talk) and they repeat it over and over until it becomes 'true' in their minds, except it is not true.

Psychologists and neurologists of many decades ago, observed that the sense of euphoria, happened only when such a large number of neural sense centers and synapses all fired together in some kind of sequence, that it looked, when you viewed the activity through CT scanning or MRI equipment like a constellation of stars at night.  

It's 2024, as I keep reminding us.

Our baseline thresholds are all elevated because of television and photographs and computer screens and noise and lights - it might have been good enough for David to sing psalms and play away some accompanying tunes on his Aeolian harp, and the listeners were enchanted, but today, it's going to take a lot more than that.

To raise anyone's brain energy and synaptic firing past first base!

It's a serious mistake to think that because you have never seen an ET Alien in material form right in front of your eyes that they do not exist, and -, it is a worse mistake to think that the Ammon Hillman 'mystery cult' methodology is going to take you to a dream or vision or OBE and then that is all, and that this, is what was going on with the early Christian Cult for example. Or, all that is going on.

The Thesmophoria is a formal celebration, conducted at this time of the year, Autumn, in the Ancient world - including by the way, in Eritrea, of all places - in which aristocratic women took off from married life, and went together into a secret cult grouping, and did whatever secret things that they did there, and apparently went down into the Underworld, and then came back up to here again. 

Men never had any access to what went on, and to think that Ammon Hillman's students really know what this is about is foolhardy, albeit, he has them use poetic (enchantment) verses from Lucian and Aristophanes' play called The Thesmophoria - and drugs.

He is pretty close.

The standard historical
narratives mention the elements entailed, and
claim these were 'how Venice started,'
whereas the truth is, Venice is where 
they took the practice of the
Thesmophoria, and as I have
told you before, where 'beings' resided
among humans...
Check it out, see if it isn't so.
The idiot fake historians
think that slaughtering the pigs
and burying the remains for some days and
then digging these up, was to show
the local 'warlords' who was boss.
Not true.

He gets around the prohibition on men by saying that in the ancient sacred literature Heracles (Hercules) - same cognate as Arjuna in the Sanskrit Epic - was both male as well as female... Arjuna went through a phase in the Mahabharata in which he wore female attire and make-up and so on. Danced like a female...

Well, hmn. Okay. I'll kinda let him have that one and I'll raise him one:

Jesus is a female and men brutally murdered a woman when they killed 'Jesus Christ.'


Oh yes.

This is categorical straight-down-the-line Christian 'christology' and scriptural, textually correct except of course nobody either knows it in modern times, and the false monotheistic patristic (sounds like 'patriarchal,' doesn't actually mean that but is also that!) institutions are never going to say it anyway.

Hillman does say it somewhere after a fashion.

You cannot say to an educated Greek person 'Monogenes' and them not know this is referring exclusively to Athena, the Goddess who also called 'Wisdom.'

But Jesus called Himself 'Monogenes' - He said 'I Am the Monogenes.' And He is also called 'Wisdom.' These are epithets for Athena.

Men crucified a woman. 

Except being a god, she was able to live appearing to be a man, and that too, is how come 'she' could even ever have gone to that exclusively female study place in Egypt for fourteen years where Jesus' mother, Mary Parthenoia (literally means priestess of Athena) had already been before, and where no men are ever permitted in there or to know the secrets imparted in there.


Here's the difference between this place here and the nevertheless quite estimable Dr Ammon Hillman - you, will get the real and the full experience.

You, will see the 'light that dims all other lights' in the outstretched hand of the neaniskas, or neakidas.

As far as I can tell, virtually everything that Hillman says is correct, and his way of teaching is quite advanced.

But those guys are relying on the idea that drugs are a key element -, and they are really only so in the sense that fragrances, for example, are drugs - which act on certain sensory pathways -, or alcohol is also a drug which inducts a person into a morphia phase, tuning down the overthinking front brain.

This is to remind you, we
are in 2024. And we 
are advanced, and have tech.

The thing that is the key, is the realization that you are interacting with real beings, and really super-advanced beings who can 'see' what you are thinking but more than that, what your standard of thinking is.

One reason why today, there are not many, or any, group-experienced, or shared experiences of these encounters - is because nobody has the pathway anymore, and no one really gets together in little groups where they all have the same higher-level of knowledge going in, about, and comprehension of, what all these Greek texts actually said!

Besides I don't personally want to be doing any of this stuff with people that I don't particularly already get on with at a pretty deep level!

And OMG! Don't tell me some of you haven't been using the best possible quality headphones and listening to the video/music tracks below all this time!

OMG. For goodness sakes. They're there for a reason.

This one, for example - woman, light... Et cetera.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Hillman, Monomania And Secrets

Actual secrets. Real secrets.

What Ammon Hillman will never tell you, although he will say that a 'seal' exists, and that there are drugs being used (which is not quite accurate in any case), he will not ever tell you what that seal was or what it looked like, or the composition of said drugs if they even existed at all.

No doubt we have direct reference to certain materials like oils and ointments, within the standard canonical Gospel texts, no problem there, but it is a long stretch to go from that to something used chemically, specifically to drive extraordinary sensory experiences as the basis of the religion.

Red Running Jacket is running
through the woods.
To get to her Grandma's house before
Exercising is a form of all-round
It toughens the mind and strengthens
the body.

Hillman avoids talking about all the other - and very extensive - sections of all of these texts he refers to that are within the basic mainstream canon as such. These parts make it quite clear that there is a lot going on besides some 'dark alley experience' of the sort he continually wants to talk about.

This is because Ammon Hillman is, just like Barbara Thiering, a monomaniac. She wants to focus narrowly on an interpretive technique of words being metaphors only, while he is very obsessed with pedophilia and illicit drug use.

The problem with Hillman's fundamental hypothesis, is that it asks you to accept that ordinary people are easily led into a cult and into a social cultural identity, simply from the back-alley spread 'word' that so-and-so possessed some extremely powerful and dangerous drugs.

These drugs killed people, and then the presumption is that the drug-dealers also possessed some antidote that revived them.

That is a totally ridiculous -, a stupid, proposition.

The actual narratives in question talk about things such as cripples being healed miraculously simply by some words, and actual dead people (dead for days) being revived at a distance, and people walking on water! Now it's one thing to say a person as high as a kite imagines they or someone else is 'floating,' but to to have thousands of people all go along with that fairy tale and nonsense is pulling your leg expecting there are bells on it.

And then from there we are supposed to further accept that not only did a few ignorant peasants in Judea buy into this nonsense, but so did educated leaders and Emperors, as well as hard-bitten merchants...

Ammon Hillman is quite right when he exposes that the early Jesus thing was to do with the Eleusinian Mysteries. He has no means to find out though, exactly what those mysteries were, because they were exclusively taught by very high-born women to other women and the rituals themselves excluded men. And men, largely being they who committed reports of stuff to writing, could not have come into possession of those secrets and never ever did.

To this day even Wikipedia avers that these things are secrets, but it adds complete fairy tales repeated down the years by Victorian-era idiots (translators) of stories from knaves who tried to make out they knew what they did not know.

She's warm enough.

Hillman is nonetheless, extremely knowledgeable about his material in hand, and he is a necessary modern-day source for realizing that what is being passed-off today as a certain particular religion, is simply nothing at all like what the genuine article is all about.

The Telesterion is a portal. The 'Upper Room' is a portal. Something is going to 'land in there,' as it were.

And the rites or the secret ritual beforehand, is to do with the preparation of the human being who is going to experience something dramatic and out-of-this-world.

Archaeology cannot say and does not say because it does not know, what went on inside the huge structure in Ancient Greece which was built with a roof that could cover three thousand people.

Those passages in the Gospel regarding the secretive meetings of several hundred people at least, in the Upper Rooms, pointedly avoid saying what the actual preparations were, other than particularly making note of the fact that others, attendants - who obviously did know what preparations were necessary - brought a lot of clean water up to there and then closed the windows or shutters and locked the doors.

If you mess around with drugs of the sorts that Hillman will eventually suggest to you, you will get nowhere in particular. That is not his value. His value is in learning about the surrounding written material that goes with the standard narratives, and learning that Hesiod was in the Great Library of Alexandria where Jesus was studying.

Now certainly a God might not need (would not need!) to go and read Hesiod, but if He were there at a specific time in human history, then He would be aware of what it was other people around at the time read! And the super-educated people read Hesiod.

And this is where those who keep wanting to spin the Christian story into a purely Jewish thing way are off the page altogether; it cannot be true and it is not true what they are trying to say.

Hillman's value is in realizing that the reason the Book of Solomon for example, is not in the Septuagint (it existed at the time but the Jewish scribes left it out; aka 'failed to translate it') is because Ancient Hebrew never had the number of unique-meaning words required to be able to convey the complex ideas in that book, which was therefore categorically written in Greek originally, not in Hebrew and it also means 'Solomon' of the textual/scriptural account basis could not have been and was not, a Jewish person or a real Jewish figure in factual genuine history.

Humans do quite well in 
linear time.
I wouldn't mess around with that
too much.
Not on their behalf, at least.

Of course we do know what the preparations are for the Eleusinian Mysteries. And certainly we do know what goes into the Sacred Oils and what sign is made and where that sign made in oil is placed on the human. It is no spectacular kind of 'secret' if one were to say that the oil is touched on where people say the infamous 'Third Eye' area is located. 

Divinity is not restricted at all.

Each time, every time, you see any religious statement by organized formats and formulations, where a god, or Divinity per se, is constrained to rituals or to time-and-space - then you are witnessing lies and nonsense.

Wherever you are told Divinity cannot do this or cannot do that, then you are listening to stupid nonsense.

There is a definition for Divinity. And one of its mathematical elements is 'All-Powerful/All-Able.'

That there is or there are rituals and ritual spaces is exactly the point of the Telesterion: a portal.

It's a bridging place and a special nominal location where people in social groups at stable times do human things and are able to become prepared to encounter the more-than-human.

All of you who have been reading here for a long time now, have more-or-less already been commencing a process of initiation. This thing - this secret part - is only for Initiates.

Can you imagine though, if it suddenly generally became known that certain people were actually levitating for real?

How old, d'you think?
Yes JES, I did go out to 
train tonight!

Attractive though it may sound to you it's not a good idea to want, because it would completely alter the condition of humans, because without using technology to do it, they would get this idea they were closer to the gods than they really are. Not a good idea. People walk on the ground because they need to stay with their feet on the ground!  

Meanwhile humans are making quite some headway with technology.

Sure if we 'build a place they will come,' but we do not live in a stable time and nor do we have this kind of money.

'They will come too, anyway...'

Again, Hillman is an excellent point-of-reference oftentimes on account of the simple things, casually tossed in, that he briefly mentions and then just walks away from.

Early proponents of this Sect, this special Cult with a highly-special knowledge - were extremely wealthy!

We often are not told that, today.

And why, were they extremely materially wealthy?

Because the Kora (that Hillman points out is the word used by Jesus) or 'Koraae,' are agents of Hekate, and she is the dispenser of material wealth.

And you are allowed to enter a portal, and to seek a 'Divinely'-sourced wealth via that means. 

But, but, I don't know how to do it.

Yeah. Yeah you do.

Thursday 10 October 2024

The Boy (Or Girl) With The Torch



When you have undertaken the first steps of the sfragida - the 'sealing' or the special design stamped onto paper or bread, then you may begin the next stage of a great Witch Ceremony!



Well, actually yes though.

It means you have a brand.

You are a type of something.

We'll start with a nice happy white theme, because
she - Ane Brun - sings in the
video below...

'What Bible did Jesus read?'

More LOL.

He went and studied formally in Egypt for a long time so for sure He knew all about the Great Library of Alexandria and therefore He would have read Hesiod. Time and time again He either quotes from there or uses words and names and titles of gods and for 'God' from the Theogony.

Okay so let's go to ideas from Hesiod's Theogony...

After the Titanomachy - the War between the Titans and the Olympic gods - Zeus, the winner, broke the powers of all of the remaining Titans who had not be dispatched to the Underworld (and by the way, it is still ONLY this Greek word 'Hades' that is used by anyone in the Gospels); except for Hekate. She had either raised Zeus in the first place or most certainly her knowledge and her maid-servants definitely were used to protect Him and raise Him as a young child.

And for this in part, though more importantly for another reason, Zeus not only declines to find any fault in Hekate at all, but He grants her the right to keep her total original powers and strength as a Titan god, for all time. She is the only Titan He permits this to.

The word 'Titan' comes from the idea these beings caused the tightening of matter and energy in the First Generation of Sentient Super Beings in the Cosmos.

You can only tune a string when you tighten it. It is from the resonance of tuned things that effects on external objects are effected.

Peta Wilson, kinda doing a 
'Hekate' theme (was 'Mina Harker') - in a 
pretty decent flick from
a while back.

Zeus re-ordered the nature of things so that for all time, this tightening was only able to occur on certain specific pre-ordained lines and not on pure random or wanton ways that the Titans mostly all behaved like since they had first sprung from out of the Primal Chaos.

They (the Titans) had sense but they had no manners!

Hekate's name comes from 'Ekwon' which in Old Norse and German and Old English is the cognate if not the exact same root word as 'Hexwa:' Hex.

And thusly today's modern Witches use the word 'Hex' to cast spells.

When Jesus instructs the Apostle Thomas to go with kings of India who had come insistent that they wanted to learn and to know and to experience the 'visions' and oracular messages of the future that the Christians were reputed to be able to give people, the narrative says the kings saw the young boy (or girl) - from afar - bearing the torch with a light so bright that any and all other lights were absorbed into it.

'From afar' is another epithet about the Titanic powers of Hekate and her relatives Apollo and Artemis

'Ekwon' means both 'affected from afar' and the Determination of Primal Will.

Today we have a slightly better access to advanced knowledge about what goes on in the world of matter and sub-atomic matter and energy, and we can say that electrons possess information and can carry data because of spin polarity.

We should realize, since we know a certain amount about DNA, that each individual human person, can have, indeed must have a unique numerical identifying marker, which is a linear programming problem - and it is a problem because it must be incredibly long of a number!

This is where ideas like Karmarkar's Algorithm can come into focus because it is possible to extract a periodicity function or cycle signature if not precisely unique then applicable to the specific individual which is much much smaller of a number.


This is incredibly dangerous knowledge, because as I will explain by way of an illustration, let's call it - that the only way you can really separate a human consciousness from its physical body, is if you know what key (or keys) to use to 'untighten' or undo the electron spin wells within the living being in question.

Illegal electronic dance music party!

Now there's a problem now, with this knowledge being in the wrong hands, because if we simply take the fiction/fairy-tale of 'Xenu' from Scientology, well this guy tried to chop up a bunch of 'souls' by confining them inside a volcano or something and exploding lots of nuclear bombs in there!

I don't know whether that would necessarily do the trick, but here is an example at least of someone trying to do it. He was trying to literally destroy personal consciousnesses.

I mean you think about it - it's one thing executing someone, and another thing saying that you have a way of literally fracturing their soul, as it were.

As a species we do not have any authentic moral framework to make that kind of decision but we would definitely try!

You give it into the hands of some idiot lunatic with an ideology that says he can or should do it and he will do it.

Now the reason I mention any of this at all is because as we move further into specialized concepts of 'seeing' what is normally quite invisible, and at these stages you encounter such ideas as the spinning of whatever things are dynamically moving around inside of your energy mind, as it were, and you observe what was discussed by others here about the 'resonance' quality or the sound tonal aspects, when things start to rotate very fast, then it's only natural that some people will worry that they will separate their 'souls' from their living organic bodies and then that would be that!

Nah. Things don't happen like that.

Prolly the car that Hekate will
drive around in.

Except they do happen when it comes to possessing some 'algorithmic' unique or category-specific (which is what it really is; people fall into categories, into particular groups) keys.

I'll give you a very basic and simple example that you could term something merely on the scale of 'psychology' and not metaphysics - and this is where someone tries to think of a color say, like one of the seven rainbow colors, and whereas they can easily form strong intellectual sensations of most colors in their minds, let's say they are unable to find the same strength for say the color 'blue...'

Traditionally in these systems, blue is to do with someone's ability to speak to people, or in public.

Well then what is going on here, is that their 'primal power' (you can say it is 'Titanic' in this sense for a human that is physically alive) is externalized and they are very good at public speaking and vocally and verbally relating to other people. The 'energy' is not so contained and locked into them on the inside, but is moving, flowing through their physical and sense systems from their personal brain.

And this is, as I assert without other proof or evidence here, one of the markers that will turn up in the algorithm for them, for their 'unique number' sequence. It is digital, a digital formal number.

And of course the human race is nowhere near to this kind of knowledge and thank God it is not.

Because no sooner will it have arrived there than you will have miscreants, typically politicians and religious nutcases and 'prophets' and 'messengers' trying to dictate how and where and when and with whom, you can use the knowledge - to destroy those persons' individual personal souls! ...Because 'so-and-so' God commanded it, right.

The kind of shoes that Hekate 
will have to take off to drive the car, 
because she sure will not 
be able to drive wearing them.

It always is that excuse.

Meanwhile for you, you can waste three/four days away from the world, perhaps hiding in a secluded place somewhere (lol), and employ the sfragida of Thomas, out of that ancient text, and intone the evoking enchantment (song/music/harmonic resonance/Peitho - as literally in the words of Jesus Himself!) to Hekate and see the young man bearing a super-bright torch coming to you from afar.

According to Hesiod all of the Angeloi were created by Hekate.

All of them.

If you see anything at all it will be for a split second and hardly much more than that.

To begin with.

One thing I give great credit to Ammon Hillman for - he comments that if you think the world outside some stupid fishing village all adopted this crazy religion called 'Christianity' because they gave some pray offerings to some invisible 'God' and burned some incense and finally, showed you a statue of a dead guy on a cross - and then all these big-wigs (because mostly at the beginning they were very high-placed people) suddenly said 'Oh yes, this is so cool' then you are nuts.

And he's quite right.

As for me, I just know that you all remember that we talked about the little white space-craft going into the phreatic wells deep in volcanoes and instigating volcanic ionic lightning pillars that run all the way up into the Ionosphere which led many months later, maybe years later, to huge storms and floods in different places.

I'm well aware of the conspiracy theory stuff about the so-called 'Deep State' doing all this to Florida.

Nothing to do with them.

This is all just about shaking things around.

We, here, we will be concentrating on much more interesting and satisfying and rewarding things moving forward.

It will be as if nothing else is happening in the world around us. LOL

What you will see, is a 'religious experience.' We are reliably told that this musician played out at Red Rocks the other day. And it was 'like a religious experience.' We have that on very reliable authority, children:

Monday 7 October 2024

The Pharmakeia For Wealth

I don't want to scare you, but...

Well, this is going to scare some of you. It shouldn't but it will to begin with.

Now just bearing in mind that 'pharmakon' is a modernism and it has no authentic source meaning at all. It certainly does not mean 'scapegoat.'

Sometimes you just have to go to Ammon Hillman and throw the Wikipedia stuff into the bin where it belongs. He is right, they are wrong. 

Pharmakeia has an original source meaning, which is from very ancient language roots - 'pa-ma-ka' - and that is from Mycenaean Linear B. 

Sort of Tyrrhenian script on silk. This is
just made as art though.
No one really knows what the letters
say or stand for because although
there are a few Tyrien/Tyrrhenian stone
etchings, they have never been
deciphered. Mycenaean Linear B
and Etruscan have to some extent 
been deciphered. They bear similarities to

It means enchantment.

I am going to take you to some really strange places in this piece so buckle up...

Since by now most of you will have consulted a little with that lunatic, if still-in-all quite brilliant and mostly correct academic Dr. Ammon Hillman (or Professor, I prefer Professor; he's entitled to that) - you will have realized that all of the New Testament in the Bible is using the language and the phrases of Hesiod and Homer and so on.

...And therefore one has to try and understand things from that perspective, rather than from Middle English translations into an inadequate format and from there to the even worse modern English situation that we have today regarding the Bible.

When Jesus says 'Peitho' He literally means the goddess of Divine Persuasion - He means you to understand, precisely like Apollonius of Tyana also said directly, that God (IE 'Divinity') cannot be actually persuaded by simple prayer alone as such but only by 'Nous' (intellect) because God was Nous.

And when He, Jesus Christ, the person all modern-day religious people of the 'Faith' that they themselves call 'Christianity,' says to employ Peitho, He expects the Greek-educated and culturally learned person to know that Peitho herself uses enchantment.

And if you need to understand what that actually means, you must go back to the source of what made those listeners 'learned' in the first place and that would be Hesiod (and also Homer).

As a grown adult now, a mature-minded person, you should be able to distinguish between ideas that are deliberately inserted in order to warn people not to misuse things, and other ideas that are straightforward no-no's.

'Do not commit murder' (EG for gain, for power and so on) is not a metaphor. It is an edict.

Beware of such-and-such a thing or person is a caveat, not an edict against, or a simple prohibition.

So now we get to the scary part.

Apollonius of Tyana (Cappadocia, one of the earliest Christian settlements), tells a story of a certain rich young man, who encountered a beautiful (uh-oh!) young woman in the streets and she tells him to come and visit her at her house where there will be a lively party that night.

The young man - Menippus by name - goes and he finds things exactly as she described, and falls in love with the woman and tells Apollonius that he intends to marry her.

The paint style is called 'candy satin' finish.

To which Apollonius replies: 'She is not for marrying.'

Anyway the story goes on and it is, as far as all scholars say, the very first Vampire story ever in literature anywhere.

This female is a creature not a human as such.

But then again she is a specific kind of creature and to little children and to the ignorant and the unwise it is said that she is of the order of being of the Empousae or Lamia - beings that love to eat the flesh of young people, especially young men.

And Empousae are the messengers of Hecate.

Now here's the problem though, with assuming this is all delivered to hearers as a prohibition...

Hecate is honored by the Chief of the Gods Zeus Himself, and He sees no wrong in Her at all, ever.

Moreover, it is to Her that He gives the sole unequivocal (meaning there is no downside or potential of negative consequence!) right to be approached for material riches and wealth on the Earth.

The rest of the gods approach Her for various special out-of-the-ordinary 'riches' too and it is for men to do so as well particularly although Mankind does not have wealth normally so for them the 'riches' are 'ordinary' compared to what the gods might ask for.

In our modern times, traditionally so-to-speak, Hecate is worshiped by witches. But that is just an accident of some of them being wise.

2024 - we can drive through
the Volcano Red...
And live to tell the tale.
We are like the prophet Daniel.

Once you consult the source material in Hesiod regarding Hecate you will see exactly how to seek material wealth and that it will always be given to you thereupon - but then, that is where the metaphor comes into play.

You must use your intellect. Seeking wealth for foolish mortal reasons will result in problematic outcomes.

We are as human mortals, both victims of, as well as beneficiaries of, linear time.

You cannot deal with Divinity simply or simplistically in terms of linear time alone - they do not live there; they live in Aionic Time - aka Eternity, a good enough alternative word despite that Hillman correctly agitates not to use that without the necessary qualification literally of 'outside of' Time, not just Endless Time.

Any agent of Hecate might well consume your young flesh.

And what would that mean to someone intending to live into the Aionic places?

Having material wealth can make the normal human very lazy, and then they will become unhealthy.

There are a dozen or so singers and performers we showcase here regularly - it will not surprise you to know their actual ages, right?

Many of them have alternative careers as 'fitness models,' and this absolutely includes for example opera singers and ballet dancers (especially the Euro/Eastern Euro ones) who double as 'brand ambassadors' for Chanel and Dior and all of those kinds of guys.

And that is because you cannot sustain the power, the energy, the 'invisible' but literally Cosmic current that permits the kind of 'presence' required at stage shows in an ordinary lifestyle human body. You cannot.

The Ancient Classical Greeks said that 'ichor,' the blood of gods and demi-gods, was poisonous to humans; to mortals. And it is.

Doesn't mean you cannot mix it with yours - it means there are things you need to do first.


Porphurios. The Purple...
And the head of the Medusa.

I have said many times, it is simply the case that DNA homologs of whole individual human beings are collected, it doesn't matter by whom, you can say 'Gray Aliens' if you like, but the thing happens all the same, and there are many examples of the same person all over the world all at the same time, sometimes; if you understand my meaning. I mean 'certain people,' not all people.

You can go and watch a Lana Del Rey concert somewhere in the West and then go to Finland and see 'the same concert' with 'the same person' except it is not the same person!

Worse is when you go to India and swear that it looks like the same person...

I was going to show a video of an Andrew Bayer composition, but instead I will show you the meaning of Daniel walking in the fires. 

This is 2024.

We have fast cars and computers and technology.

'We' (humans living in history) didn't have video cameras when Daniel walked in the fire. But your intellect can tell you, you can reason, that what witnesses saw, was so amazing, and not just because he walked through flames unscathed. They saw what they saw.

And you are seeing what you are seeing.

Do not complain that you have not enough wealth.

'Be aware' (IE beware) that the misuse of power contains the seeds of disaster too.

But that there is power, you should be as to no doubt whatsoever.

Whether you will use it or not is a question of how scared you are right now.

Isn't it?

Vlada is the feminine version of the name Vlad.

This is Vlada (real name):


Saturday 5 October 2024

The Enchantments And The Odes

An 'ode' is a poem, usually said to be or called a lyrical poem, with varied or irregular meter.

As we are living during a time of worldwide religious fury(!), it is our duty to study the real history of everything, and to come to terms with what will cause us to make decisions in one direction or in some other.

The reality is none of this is about religious anything - it is political.

And therein lies the rub, as the saying goes.

What is taken to be 'religious' - as in, religious teaching or moral law and so on - is nothing more than politically-caused fabrications from different eras in the past.

The Evil of material 
It's evil I tell you!

'Politics' here means that ruling elites or tyrants of the past both ancient and relatively modern, use sophistry (skill with words and symbols) to impress reasons in the naive and usually quite ignorant heads of their subjects, as to why they are entitled, with God-given authority, to rule and control everyone (else, always not themselves as is easily noted when you look at what the various 'leaders' always personally got up to).

These things are easily able to be proven:

There were over 1.5 million unique meaning words in the Ancient Greek language, at the time when Moses was said to have lived, no more than 8,000 unique meaning words in Hebrew. It is not technically possible at all, in any way whatsoever, that the Pentateuch was able to contain all of its complex meanings and use of sophisticated language and lyric poetry (Book of Psalms/Song of Solomon) if it were to have been composed originally in Hebrew.

Not possible.

Did not happen. 


Same way, the verses hung on silk and fine cotton cloth on the Kaaba at Mecca were never from the Quran. 

Yes you heard me. 

They were called 'the Suspended Odes' (meaning they were suspended on cloths there) and compiled or attributed to Imru' al Qays, a Persian.

There are no, as in zero at all, copies of anything 'the Quran' having existed in written form until two to three hundreds later, than when the Suspended Verses were 'suspended' there on the Kaaba in late 700 AD.

There is only one culture on the 
planet. It's a mono-culture and all
the people are the same. All humans
are all exactly the same...

And so where does that really leave us?

...If that is all true and it is true.

The Book of David (Psalms) is a book of enchantments. And that is because these are taken from the form of lyric poems after the mystical traditions of Orpheus. 

The name 'Orpheus' means 'the Darkness of the Night.'

In the dark depths of the nighttime, you may intone enchantments, and they will be heard as 'sacred offerings' to Divinity - although what Divinity, or who exactly, is not available to ready understanding if you try and use Arabic Islamic concepts after the tyrannies of the post-Sasanian and post-Byzantine Empires, and not available either, to ready understanding if you are using the relatively modern-English translations of what is called 'the Bible.'

Human - man-made; entirely man-made - politics gets in the way.

The result?

Catastrophe and large-scale death.

Never ever forget, that it took only two young people (seemingly young people, figures who looked young and looked like human people), to wipe out the entire 'cities of the plains' (aka what we now terminologically cover as Sodom and Gomorrah) and only one of them needed to slaughter the entire Assyrian army.

Why do these entities go around 'slaughtering' such multitudes?

Well they don't! Generally speaking, they do not.

Wealth, is when you
go out to your fav
coffee place, and take out 
a model toy - of 'Little Nellie.'
And you know that everyone is 
looking at you!
More LOL.

But here is where we are today - there are many people, who receive salaries of a million dollars a year, and some much much more than that, who are in charge of great big academic institutions, and not one of them has ever, in two thousands years, told you that no 'Bible' exists or ever existed, written in the Ancient Hebrew language...

In other words, even those places are tyrannies - in this case of academic 'knowledge.'

And thus what they do is entirely political; designed to lie to you and convince you that you must be subservient to them (and then they can easily take your money).

Here is where we are today -, there are 2 billion Muslims and virtually all are convinced they will rule in the world in a coming Caliphate because Allah (aka 'God') told them that.

And there are nigh on the same number of text-book 'Biblical' Christians and a few million Jews, who believe that a Jewish Messiah is coming and so on.

How can He not be Jewish? Well because the Bible is not a Jewish story.

Huh?? What?! But, but, but I thought.

Well you thought wrong. LOL

It takes exactly from 30 minutes, to 50 minutes (because in those days such was the calculating of such segments of time passing), after you intone an enchantment of Orpheus ('David') for something that you want - and it will be given to you... 

Hesiod and others always thought and said, that the gods were material - since everything in Nature is material, then the Divinities too, were able to, no, not just able to but actually were, formed of substance, matter, albeit they were also suffused throughout everything also as very subtle matter. Intellect and intelligence manifested in humans out of their material brains - their minds - and this in no way was different to how the gods were themselves.

Psalm 27 (in part): "...dwelling in the house of the Kurea (feminine for 'Lord/Master') all the days of my mortal life, I there behold the Beauty of that Kurea, and inquire in Her Temenos (temple)."

'She' owns that place.

And where is that place?

You're not allowed this.
It is 'wrong.'
It is forbidden.

It is inside you. Thus sayeth the Kureos (the Lord) - as you know.

30 minutes.

Try it.

But pray to the right God.

There is only one Divinity inside of you, according to Hesiod and to Plato and all of those. Which is not the same as their being only one Divinity.

Maybe 50 minutes.

Maybe it will take you a lot longer as you waste time resisting the Truth and the Reality! LOL

What is the name of the Divinity inside of you?




The Book of Imru' al Qays literally has enchantments that bring down the fairies from the stars and make what modern silly people call the 'Genies' appear and grant to whom has called them, the things that they desire - since that is the power and the authority of the Divinity residing inside the Temenos.

This is straight-down-the-line Biblical teaching too, by the way: 'Nothing ascends to the Heavens and to Divinity but that which was (Ye Olde English phrasing!) come down from Heaven.'

If you are from Heaven you have the Authority of Heaven.

But you don't use it.

'Jesus went into the desert for forty days.'

No He didn't.

This is the work of the Devil.
It is wrong.
It is forbidden to you.
And why is that?
Because it entails enchantments and 
music (the workings of the Muses;

He went into the Eromannos, more usually found as 'Erebus' - the place where there is no Love, no Eros; the Void.

Just stop believing rubbish.

It's not from any actual ancient original text source what you imagine is 'true' and that you 'believe.' (I am assuming on behalf of those stuck in the Void of modern theological propaganda).

In fact, stop 'believing' anything anyway - know, find out, discover; as David told you: 'Inquire in the Temple of the Kurea.' (Psalm 27). There you will find Truth. And only there. 

Even the Romans, that is the Latin-using early church people, used the Greek word 'Kyrie Eleison;' and Catholics and Christians think this is (just) Latin.

If you think any of this is a joke, understand something - it takes just one of the Angeloi to massacre hundreds of thousands. They don't give a jot about so-called mortal human life - that is to say, of the kind that hands out a million dollars to knaves who are trading in your soul for their money and position and power (and this has become a general thing not a rare thing). 

And you will live to see such beings at work.

I would suggest and advise that you 'inquire' as to whether one or two might work for you personally and do less harmful things on the whole... 

This world, today -, today's world, has gone so far off the rails that an ending is entirely proper and called for.

Do you not agree.

Enchantment. Or, as Jesus (real name Iaison) said, and named the Goddess of the thing, Peitho. Gospel of Mark; lots of places in there.

No Monism (as Ammon Hillman insists on calling it). Does not exist. In any of the (original) texts.

'But I am a Monotheist.' Well good for you.

Does not exist in any actual original source text at all. Anywhere.

But but...


Do whatever you want.

Moses told me!


You know this guy?

Allah told me/Muhammad told me!


He wrote this on a rock or stone monument somewhere out in the Hijaz in 600 AD. Right?

Or someone inscribed his name on such a thing. Somewhere. And there are books with actual writing in them from him by him dated to then. And not a single word is directly copied from Imru' al Qays! Honest.

And everything all those guys say is true, right...

And when you 'pray' to them or to whoever they say is 'God' it all happens for you, right...

30 minutes. Advanced intelligent beings from other places, in other Galaxies even, think the human race on the whole is nuts. Not just crazy, but foolish and intellectually severely limited.